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I held my dad close to my body, crying into him

"Remember that this isn't your fault" he kept repeating

"But it is" I sobbed out into him

He repeated the same sentence- like a broken record

Just as he pried me out of his grip- letting me go- I watched him walk to the man with the gun- who immediately pulled the trigger

As the gun sounded I woke up- jumping so hard I completely fell out of the bed, my forehead colliding with the table beside the bed- waking everyone in the room up.

"Paige" Calum's voice spoke- the tiredness sounding.

"I'm fine- I'm fine, go back to bed" I quickly spoke as one of them flipped the lightly on.

"If you're fine pull your hand away from your head"

I immediately pulled my hand away seeing blood, making me immediately cover it back up, looking to Ashton as I stayed seated on the floor

This was more than embarrassing.

"Come on, let's go to the ER and check you out, you guys can go back to sleep-" "I want to come" Calum shot out as Ashton grabbed my arm gently, helping me stand.

"No Calum, bed rest and nothing less- be asleep by the time I get back."

Ashton guided me out and through a few hallways.

"I'm sorry" I spoke- feeling truly bad that I woke everyone up.

"Don't apologize, what happened?" He asked slowly.

"A bad dream- and as the gun in my dream went off I woke up and jumped- I guess I just fell off the bed" I spoke, walking into the empty ER with him.

He patted a bed, making me sit on it slowly.

He pushed my hair away from my forehead, letting me pull my hands away, replacing my hands with pressure from gauze.

I washed my hands as he continued holding the pressure.

After a few seconds he pulled it away, looking

"Yeah- you're getting a good five stitches"

As he mumbled and started stitching my forehead he spoke.

"Tell me about the dream" he spoke.

"We were in the bank again, I was hugging my dad- holding him" I spoke

"He kept just repeating to me that none of it was my fault as I cried. He wouldn't say anything else" my voice cracked.

"He got up and walked to the murderer who shot again- and as the gun sounded it woke me up I guess" I spoke slowly.

"What am I supposed to do without my dad?" I asked him, feeling the tears in my eyes.

"Well tomorrow the state is going to come and get your family record and they'll figure out who you want to go to-" "there's no one else" I felt a tear fall, feeling him almost freeze.

"No distant relatives?" He asked

"My moms side of the family never claimed me, my dad was an only child and his parents died a few years ago" I made sure to keep taking deep breaths as I spoke.

"I don't want to be an orphan" I felt a tear fall again.

"Don't get upset Paige" Ashton spoke slowly.

"We'll figure out something- we'll make a plan and discuss it with the person who comes- everything will work out"

More and more tears silently slipped down my face.

"We shouldn't have went to that fucking bank."

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