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Calum kept my head against his chest- breathing deeply and making me repeat his actions.

We got to the hospital, Luke immediately grabbing me, running inside.

Doctors ran to him- all panicking- overwhelming me even more.

"Back up- I'm a fucking doctor" Luke shot out, running into the first open room he saw.

He laid me on the bed, immediately putting a mask over my face.

Calum, Ashton and Michael joined us, Michael assisting Luke by starting the IV in my arm.

"Look towards Calum, you're going to feel a little poke"

I did as said, feeling the poke and the tape.

I felt a cold rush through my arm, making me look to Luke, who looked to me.

"Just medicine- you'll get some relief in a second"

I let my head fall back, seeing Luke grab his stethoscope, placing it on my back.

"She's still not opening up" he spoke.

"You need a higher inhaler dosage" Ashton spoke as Calum sat beside my hip, taking my hand into his own.

Once I felt a little better, I took the mask off

"Leave it on-" "are the people still here?" I asked quickly.

"They are but we aren't letting them in until you're stable-" "I wanna go back home" I felt my voice crack, sitting up.

I was still short of breath- but they weren't taking me to a damn orphanage.

"Woah, woah- Relax" Luke spoke quickly, pushing my shoulder to lay against the bed.

"No, I don't want them to take me" I let my tears fall.

"Paige- they aren't taking you, where would they even take you?" Calum spoke.

"They said an orphanage- an all girls home" I cried out, which wasn't easy considering I still couldn't fully breathe.

"I promise you- I'm not letting anyone take you anywhere, you're staying with me from here on out" Calum spoke, putting the mask back to my face, wiping my tears as I did.

I grabbed his free hand, feeling his thumb rub over my knuckles.

"She's finally stabilizing" Luke spoke after several minutes.

"It is easier to breathe?" Calum asked me.

I nodded- no longer finding a struggle to breathe.

He put the mask up, looking to me, tucking a few pieces of hair behind my ears.

"You okay?"

Before I could respond the two people walked in

"Why would you leave- do you realize how dangerous that is?" The guy almost yelled.

"Chill out" Ashton almost mumbled, stepping in front of him

The guy raised his arms defensively

"Your assistance isn't needed when it comes to orphanages- I'll be taking her custody due to her father's wishes"

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