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Soon she tucked herself more into my body as Luke stayed with us for a moment to see if she had any questions or just wanted to talk.

But she was quiet.

After about ten minutes, I could tell that the relaxer kicked in.

She was calm, blinking slow and her grip wasn't half as tight around my waist anymore.

"Okay, I'm gonna go scrub in, some interns are going to come get you any minute, okay pretty girl?" He asked her, making her nod with a small smile before he left.


I was tired.

The room was kind of spinning, but I knew that was the medicine.

I just held Calum and tried not to overthink and freak myself out.

Soon I saw people I didn't know enter the room, but I didn't pay close enough attention to listen to what they were saying.

I felt Calum getting up, making me tighten my grip on him, confused as to why he was leaving me.

"They're going to take you to the OR, I'll be here waiting with Mikey when you come back." He spoke calmly to me, stroking my hair gently.

"Oh okay" I spoke, surprisingly able to keep myself calm.

I received several forehead kisses from Calum and a tight hug from Michael before I was in bed, surrounded by two interns, in an elevator.

They brought me into a cold room, where a girl quickly pulled my hair up into a loose bun.

The guy quickly put a cap over my hair, nodding to me.

"Want to walk into the OR, or us bring you?" He asked

"Let me walk"

As soon as I stood, I had a dizzy spell.

I grabbed the guys arm, feeling him wrap his opposite arm around my body.

"I got you, slow steps" he spoke, so I trusted him.

He helped me onto the OR bed, where I laid down flat.

I suddenly felt all of my calmness fall out of my ass.

Everywhere I looked, I was needles or sharp objects.

I saw not one person that I knew and I felt insanely drugged.

And I was doing this for someone I didn't even know.

"I don't want to do this anymore" I sat straight up quickly, stopping the nurse from raising the gown I had on.

"I know it's scary, but you're so close, Paige-" "I don't wanna do it." My voice cracked.

"Paige, both you and Monroe are already prepped and ready" a nurse spoke.

They weren't going to let me out of it

So I surely started panicking and crying.

"No- I'm scared, Calum said he wouldn't leave me and he's not here- I don't want to be alone" I cried out, feeling a nurse trying her hardest to hug me and make me relax, but I was determined to get off of this cold ass bed.

"I don't want to be alone anymore- everyone left me, please just let me go-" "Paige, Paige- relax, what's happening?" I heard Ashton's voice say.

"I don't wanna do it- I'm alone and everything is so scary."


I didn't even put gloves on, I went straight to her, taking the place of the nurse who was struggling to keep her from jumping off the bed.

"Okay, okay" I pulled her into a hug, feeling her body sobbing as she held me tightly.

"Everything is okay, you just have strong medicine in your system and it's making you sleepy, and you probably didn't expect to not have Calum during this part, but I'm here now, so you're okay- he passed his duties to me for the next hour, so I get a small turn at making sure you're safe." I spoke to her, feeling her pull away to look to me.

"I don't want to feel it" she cried and I watched her eyes glance to the tray that had the scalpels on it.

I immediately nodded to a nurse, telling her to move it

"You won't feel a single thing, you're going to take a short nap and wake up to all four of us, ready to nurse you back to normal." I spoke to her, wiping her tears slowly.

"All good?" I asked her after she nodded shortly.

"All good" she exhaled slowly, laying back down for me, where I covered her up.

Luke soon joined us, comforting her by holding her hand as a nurse assisted me in draping the incision sight and making sure she stayed covered and had a blood pressure cup and electrodes on.

"Okay pretty girl" I spoke, glancing to her, seeing her looking to me already.

"The man beside your heads name is George, he's going to put a mask over your mouth and you'll feel a cold rush through your arm, but it's not going to hurt" I told her calmly.

"And I'll go to sleep?" She asked, making me nod to confirm.

"Okay- but wait one second" she spoke as George carefully grabbed her face.

"If anything happens-" "nothing will." Luke interrupted her

"But if anything does" she mumbled

"I just want you guys to know that I don't say it- or I haven't said it yet, but I love you guys and I'm so thankful for you guys." She spoke, making Luke and I smile.

"We love you too, Paige"

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