twenty five

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one month later.

Everything was good.

Paige was thriving in school and happiness

The four of us were thriving in surgeries and treating patients.

Paige was currently on spring break, which she had spent the first two days of with her friends, swimming at the beach, but today she was at the hospital with us.

"You got sunburnt" I pointed out as she sat on my couch in my office.

"Yeah" she laughed lightly.

"I told you to put on sunscreen." I spoke to her.

"I was trying to tan at first, but then I noticed I was burning when I was already too far gone" she laughed lightly, making me roll my eyes at her.

I got a page just as I went to say something else.

"You got off lucky" I spoke as I stood, seeing her smile.

"I'll be right back" I told her before leaving and shutting the door behind me.

I went to the ER, where I was paged to, seeing Ashton.

"We have a problem" he spoke quickly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Come see for yourself" he sighed.

He brought me into a room, where a lady and an older lady sat, one in the bed the older lady comforting her.

"Hi" the younger woman spoke.

"Hi, Doctor Hood, what's the problem?" I asked her.

"I know who you are, I know who you along with Doctor Irwin, Hemmings and Clifford are and I came here to ask for a huge favor." She spoke, Ashton's arms crossed tightly over his chest.

"Which is?" I asked slowly, more than alarmed as to how she knew us and why she was acting so weird.

"I was a drunk from the age of twenty one  to thirty six, which is my current age, I'm ninety days sober." She spoke.

"Congratulations." I spoke slowly, making her nod.

"But I am currently in liver failure, my pervious doctor predicted that I have two months to live unless I receive a transplant, but I can't be put on the transplant list until I am one year sober." She spoke.

"Okay?" I questioned her slowly.

"You have my liver." She spoke slowly.

"I'm sorry- what?" I spoke quickly.

"Paige." She spoke, instantly making me tense at the fact that they knew her name.

I stayed silent.

"Paige is my daughter."

"You adopted my daughter, and I need apart of her liver."

heistOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora