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Nathan POV

I watched as the sun rose over the snow covered forest. It was beautiful and I hoped that when I found my mate that I could share with them this sight, that I wake up to every morning.

"Sir we're about to go hunting would you like to join?" My beta, Stevan, asked me through the pack link. "I'll join you after I grab myself something to eat." I replied to him.

I sighed as I got dressed and went down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before I went to join the hunting party. "Well look which decided to join us. On this fine morning." My mother Lydia said to me. I smiled at her and said, "Good morning mum. I'm just going to grab an apple and head out to go hunt with my beta and a few of the hunters." She nodded and waved me off as I exited the kitchen and headed towards the front door to leave.

~Short Time Jump~

I reached the forest in a matter of minutes and stripped off my clothes, as to not shred them when I shifted. I could here my bones crack and pop as I shifted into my wolf. When the shift was done I grabbed my clothes put them into a bag, stashing it behind a tree.

Once I successfully stashed my clothes on a hollow in the tree I caught the scent of a rabbit about 6ft away from me. It may be a small thing to catch, but it's the thrill of the hunt that makes it worth chasing down.

I followed the smell, until I saw a white fluffy rabbit tail reaching out of a Snowberry Bush. I crouched down and just when I went to jump and kill it, I smelt the most amazing smell. Mate my wolf howled in my head.

As the smell disappeared, I realized that the rabbit I was about to kill was hanging in the jaws of an artic fox. I stepped forward snapping a twig which must have frightened it cause it dropped took off along with my prey in its mouth. I being the most honorable wolf I am chased it down.

The fox tried to out maneuver me by running zig zag through the trees. That is until it ran head first into a tree. Me and my couldn't help but give a wolfish cackle. After shaking its head it turned around looking straight at me, that was when I noticed that its eyes were clouded, almost as if it couldn't see. I stepped forward snapping a twig causing the fox to lower its ears and snarl, while dropping the rabbit. I snarled back causing the fox to pick up the rabbit and run.

I chased after it but stopped as we entered hunter territory. It must have noticed I stopped cause its ears started to move as if trying to hear me. As I observed it sniffed the air realizing that it was in hunter territory.

In the media is how Nathan's wolf looks like

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