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William's POV

Two months passed and with that my belly grew. Amber came back along with his daughter Viola, and his mate Gus. His daughter was beautiful and had become good friends with Jackie, my adopted daughter. Lachlan, Nat, and Gus had been talking about attacking The Snake Bite. With Nat's allies, and Lachlan's allies, they easily had numbers over a thousand. Gus's on the other hand had asked them to take out the alpha and the beta, and that he would then take over The Snake bit. 

I was at the moment feeding Jackie little meat pieces, she had finally shifted into her human form and she loved to run around butt naked. "So wait when are you due?" Amber asked, sitting down behind me and feeding his own daughter. "Any day now actually." I told him, finishing feeding Jackie. Me and Amber over the course of his return, became good friends and in a way Nat and Gus became rivals bragging which one had the better mate or which one was stronger. 

"I do have a question for you actually." I told him and he asked, "What is it?" "Did it hurt giving birth?" I asked him, waiting to here an answer. "Yes it does hurt, a lot, but you'll be so happy to hold your pups in your arms, that you would forget the pain." he told me and I nodded. Unlike Amber, I will have to shift and give birth because I'm having four pups instead of one. 

-Later in the day-

"Nat I don't fell good." I told my mate. Amber had left mid afternoon, along with his mate and daughter.  "Your hot." Nat said, pulling his hand away from my forehead. "I'm gonna go get Anna." He said and I nodded, putting my hands onto my stomach. 

'We need to shift.' Rin told me as he came out of the recesses of my. 'Why?' I questioned him. 'We aren't sick. Our pups are coming.' He told, shocking me with the news. I shifted, painfully seeing as though my bones shifted and the weight of my stomach was to much for me. 'It hurts.' I told Rin. 'I know but we have to wait for our mate and Anna. So try too hold on.' He told me and I whined at the thought of having to wait with the pain.

I heard the door open and close, hoping it was my mate. "Will! Nat! Is anyone here?" A voice that I knew well. I whined drawing Amber's attention to me. "Will, are you all..." He didn't finish his sentence, realizing that I was in labor. "Will. Its going to be alright, but seeing how big you are you can't wait for Nat to get here." He told me and I growled at the idea of giving birth without my mate here.

"I know it sucks that he's not here but if you don't at least start giving birth, then your pups could die." he told me and I whined. 'Rin what do we do?' I asked him, wanting his opinion on the matter. 'We should start pushing.' he said and I agreed. "You ready?" Will asked and I nodded. "Okay on the next contraction, I want you to push." He told me and I nodded. My contraction came and I pushed, felling the pain. 

I heard the door open and close, and was hit with the smell of my mate. "Amber what are you doing here?" My mate questioned Amber and I growled at him but that soon became a growl as I pushed on my next contraction. "Fuck. Nat get me gloves and a bowl of  water." Anna said to Nat, practically pushing him out of the way. As ordered he went and got the things and immanently sat by me. "Its okay love. I'm sorry for leaving you. " He told me and I layed my head on his lap and started pushing as another contraction hit me.  

"I see the head." Amber said and I whined giving anther push and felt a pop. I felt something warm and wet nuzzle against my tets. "One down and four more to go." Anna said and I whined at that.  

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