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William's POV

I didn't know where I was. My sense of time was thrown off balance, ever since I was kidnapped from the ball. All I knew is that my captors didn't have good intentions, I knew this because as of right now I was being whipped with a silver-lined flagrum. It was horrible, the silver scorched my flesh and scar it. They didn't stop at whipping, they would use all kinds of torture devices on me. 

The whipping stopped and I felt the chains loosen, making me fall to the ground. "You stupid worthless omega." One of my captures spat at me and dumped a vile of silver and alcohol onto my bloody and scared back, making me scream and cry out in pain. They soon left the room, leaving me to lie in my own blood.

Before falling asleep I felt a wet cloth go across my back, knowing it was the same person who had cleaned my back the previous days and gave me food and water. "Thank you for helping me." I said to my unknown helper. "Wait one more day. I get you out." He whispered into my ear, and I gave a silent nod. I heard him leave, locking the door behind him. Thank you goddess for letting there be a kind spirit to help me. 

I feel into a restless sleep, worrying about my unborn child. 'Rin how is the child?' I asked my fox, knowing he was exhausted from the constant beatings. 'Unharmed.' is all he managed to get put before fading back into the recess of my mind to protect the unborn pup or pups. I soon feel asleep only to be awaken by the sound of my cell door opening. 

"Wake. We leave now." Unknown said to me and I nodded, getting up. He lead me out of the cell and up a pair of stairs, until we were outside. "Why weren't we stopped?" I asked the person who helped me escape. "Don't matter. Shift, we faster." He told me and I shifted knowing he was right.

I heard him shift, not actually knowing what he was. We ran through the night and found a little hideaway to sleep in for the rest of the night. "Thank you for saving me, but what's your name?" I asked me rescuer. "You welcome and my name is Amber." He told me and I nodded, curling up and falling asleep.


Hello! I have returned and yes I know you all are waiting very patiently for a new chapter, so i'm sorry that this is not a technically a new chapter but it's better than nothing. LNF out!!  


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