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Nathan's POV

"Will have you seen Amber?" I asked him and he gave me a glare. "Nat, I can't see. So no I don't know where he went." He told me, all the while still glaring at me. He's had mood swings ever since he stopped puking. Goddess I can't wait for our child to be born. His glare then turned into a frown. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be mean." He said to me. "It's okay. I know it's just the mood swings." I told him and he nodded. 

"Anyways, no I haven't heard Amber. Not since we brought him home." he told me and turned around to raid the freezer of ice cream. I had to go out yesterday and bye, mint, cookie doe, strawberry, eggnog, and vanilla ice cream. Along with a ton of chocolate and asparagus. As to why he wanted asparagus, I have no clue. All I know is that he was eating it with vanilla ice cream.

I saw a piece of paper laying on the counter and decided to see what it was. "Well I know where Amber is." I said to Will as I finished reading the note. "Where is he?" he asked and I responded, "He went to find his mate and lied to us about his mate being captured." I told him and Will looked confused. "Why would he lie about that?" He asked. "Don't know." I said and put the note back down onto the counter.

I walked over to my mate who was now eating eggnog ice cream with hot sauce and hugged him, putting my hands on his small baby bump. "I'm trying to eat." He told me but I wouldn't let go, and he ended up stomping on my right foot. Which immediately got me to let go. I decided to go up to my office to get some work done. 

William's POV

I felt bad for stomping on his foot, but I was hungry and he made really hard to move. I decided, when I was done eating, to go up and apologize. I opened his door and found a sleeping Nat. I decided to leave him be and went out to find Nemora.

I found Nemora with the children, although she was now beta, she still loved to help take care of the children. "Hi, Nem." I greeted her and catching her attention. "Hey, Will. Giving Nat a hard time I see." She told while chuckling. "He was hugging me and it was getting in the way of food." I told her, which made her laugh. "What brings you here?" She asked and I shrugged. 

"Well you can help me take care of some of the little ones." She told me and I nodded. We spent most of the time feeding, burping and playing with the pups, kits, chicks, and other species of child shifters. My feet were getting sore so I decided to go sit down on the couch while holding a sleeping tiger cub. I ended up falling asleep after a few minutes of sleeping, the cub snoring in my arms.

I was awoken by something biting my fingers. I opened up my eyes, still heavy with sleep, and realized it was the tiger cub. "Hey are you hungry." I asked while yawning. It mewled a response and I got up, it still in my arms, and headed towards the kitchen. I got a baby bottle out and poured nutrient filled milk into the bottle. "Hey think in 5 more months, you'll be having your own." Nemora walked in carrying a baby raven shifter in her arms. "Yeah, but wait until you get your own." I told her and she laughed. "I'd love to have kids of my own, but how things are now. It's no the best time." She told me and I nodded in agreement. 

"I wish people would stop abandoning these young ones." I told her and she nodded. "Yeah, I don't know why anyone would abandon these young, cute, shifters." She told me cuddling the baby raven. I turned my attention towards the tiger cub that had stopped suckling the bottle, and started to curl into my arms. Giving a yawn it fell asleep, cradled in my arms. 

"Nem, why did the mother abandon this one?" I asked her, gesturing towards the sleeping cub. "He's blind. I figured that out when I was trying to ply with her. She kept mewing, trying to find me." I sighed. "Could I take her home?" I asked Nemora. "Yes, you can. I think it'll help you care for your young, when they come." she told me and I nodded.

I wrapped the cub in a blanket and left, not before taking toys, bottles, and some of the milk I used earlier to feed her.

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