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Nathan's POV

My mate spent, two hours giving birth too our four beautiful pups. For the next three days, he would be in his fox form spending time with our pups, mostly feeding and cleaning them until he felt safe enough to move them and shift back into human form. I planned too stay in my wolf form for those days, but unfortunately I got news from Lachlan that The Snake Bit had surrounded his territory. 

I was pissed at that pack for interrupting a time that should have been spent with my pups and mate. I walked with more than half of my pack to Lachlan's pack, accompanied by Gus. I gave the orders to shift and to sneak up behind the enemy. 'Wait... wait. Now attack.' I told me pack through the mind link and watched as my pack tore through the enemy. We made it through to the front line and I saw Lachlan take a nasty hit from a giant red wolf. Me and Gus ran towards it, guessing it was the leader and knocked it over, not even giving it a chance to fight back. I bite down on it's neck puncturing its jugular vein. Killing it instantly. 

I howled, a howl saying we had won and watched as the enemy lesser wolves, submitted by showing their necks and bellies. I walked over to Lachlan, who had shifted back into human form. He was holding his neck trying to stop the blood but was unsuccessful. "Well, I guess my time had come wouldn't ye say." Lachlan said taking a breath after every word. I knew he wouldn't make it, so I decidd to listen to his final wishes. 

"Hey could you tell Gus that he can have my pack. Tell my beta that his last order is to stand down and too let Gus take over along with his mate." He said and I nodded bowing my head in respect as I watched Lachlan close his eyes and stop breathing. I howled to let his pack know that their leader was dead, they howled in grief and bowed their heads.

Me and Gus headed pack to my territory, along with mine and Lachlan's pack. We shifed and I stood up in the clearing. "A great leader has fallen, but we have one and The Snake Bite has died. In Lachlan's last moments he told me too give the pack to Gus and too tell his beta to stand down and let him." I told them and watched as they howled in agreement, along with the beta and even some of the rouge pack. 

I left the rest to Gus and my allies and returned to my mate. I was meet with sleeping pups and a white fox glaring at me. I shifted and licked him, too show him that I was okay. I curled up around him and our newly born pups and our adopted tiger cub Jackie. 

Over the course of the days, everything went back to normal, Gus was now leading Lachlan's pack, that was now mixed with some of the rouges from the battle, Amber was pregnant and also I learned from Anna that Nemora was pregnant, with five chicks. The days were slow, but were filled with joy and happiness, finding my mate, having pups, and adopting a tiger cub was the best way to live my life. 

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