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"My Prince, when you awake in the morning, the raeda will be waiting for you

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"My Prince, when you awake in the morning, the raeda will be waiting for you. Do you need anything for the night, eh?"

I mustered a smile at my rider. He was quite the talkative fellow, but his heart was in the right place.

"No, I'm fine, thank you," I replied.

The rider nodded.

"If you need anything, I'll be right next to you. Anything, Your Highness, I shall get." He made a weird bow and trotted away. When he disappeared into a bedroom, I turned towards my own room and heaved a sigh, holding onto the heavy scroll and my temporary key.

I walked inside wanting nothing more than to rest my body from the day's events. However, the scroll in my hands stopped me from diving into the clean linens of my bed.

Instead of using the restroom to refresh myself, I sat down by the desk and turned on the lantern on the side. Immediately, the wooden desk shone yellow and the scroll on my hand beckoned me to open it.

I caved.

My fingers pulled on the dark green ribbon and the scroll opened up. I let the ribbon sit on the side as my hands stretched the scroll on the flat surface so I could finally read its contents.

Dearest Prince Mahli Scaevus of The Allicere,

As you must know, Antonella chose the path towards a war. A war that will destroy Potentia Flamber, and, in choosing so, destroyed your chances of being king of Potentia Flamber. After her decision to cancel the royal wedding, you have been tossed to the side like the rag dolls your poverty-stricken children of The Allicere use to play.

It is of my greatest sentiment that I offer my condolences for your loss. I assumed you would use your power to rise The Allicere from its terrible poverty, but Antonella forbade you so. Because of this, I invite you to Fortis Crystallum once more for a toast.

I have learned that you are on the road. Tomorrow morning head over to my palace and we shall meet for the day.

No one is happy by the turn of events. You shall see for yourself when you come tomorrow. We have lots to catch up on.

The land is in danger, Prince Mahli. The future is uncertain, but I am sure you have gathered that by now. We must make sure that Potentia Flamber falls, so everything will be alright.

Safe travels,

King Rasmus Ventridge of Fortis Crystallum.

I closed my eyes, head in my hands, and groaned. This upcoming war was costing me everything I yearned for. However, I still held on to hope that Queen Antonella wanted to marry me for the sake of her people. Potentia Flamber needed a king, and I would step up to do so beside her.

King Rasmus was convinced that Queen Antonella only wanted to get rid of me. I thought otherwise. She was never disgusted nor upset by my arrival. At first she was hesitant at my new presence, but that slowly dissipated and now she was my dear fiancée and my Queen. She only cancelled the wedding because of the war, not for other ulterior motives.

If she wanted to reign alone, she wouldn't have found a prince to marry in the first place.

No matter the case may be, King Rasmus thought the worst of her. Queen Antonella, although slightly foolish, was kind at heart and passionate for her kingdom. She might not be the best ruler, but she did everything for her people. Of that much, I was sure. To be considered perfection, she needed a king to stand beside her, to lead her to greatness.

Potentia Flamber was the most powerful kingdom in all of Caeleste for a reason, but it could achieve its complete potential with the right ruler, with the right king. I aspired to be that change; to bring Potentia Flamber to become not just the greatest in all the land, but in all the Universe.

The Inlustris alone could speak for itself.

The morning after I awoke due to the raeda turning on. I flinched at the vermiculo rays that attacked my line of vision, and stood up to find a full breakfast served by the foot of my bed. There was no one in sight, but I knew well enough this was the work of magic, not a person.

Light magic was so fascinating. The subtle art of it was entrancing, captivating. It was one of the things that drew me to Queen Antonella. It made me wonder what else she could do with a small flick of her wrist or a twist of her finger.

I sat down, taking the desk's chair, and started devouring the sweet bread, ham, and the juicy grapes. This was all staples of Solennes Jubar, at least to the rich. The common folk could barely get scraps, reminiscent of my own home.

Minutes later, I was gulping down the refreshing sparkling cider and getting ready to meet with my rider. He was most likely getting ready for a bigger trip, but we were going to take a big rest at the palace of Fortis Crystallum, courtesy of King Rasmus.

I took a napkin and wrapped two of the sweet breads I hadn't eaten, wanting to give those to my brave rider. I knew that his breakfast wasn't as great as mine because of his lack of title, but I knew better than to deny someone food, good food.

One of my wishes was to give everyone the benefits of a good meal, something my people lacked every single day. But it was more complicated than expected, unfortunately. One day I hoped that I could at least feed my people, and watch them prosper after so much suffering.

It was the least I could do.

With that, I freshened up in the restroom and went outside, meeting with my rider. The rider bowed at the sight of me, and I waved him over.

"My Prince, your raeda is ready. We should embark soon."

"Yes," I handed him the two sweet breads, "I saved these for you, and I have to ask you to take me to the palace of Fortis Crystallum. King Rasmus was the sender of the scroll."

"Ah, my Prince, you didn't have to do this." He showed me the sweet bread. He grew antsy, like the bread was something he shouldn't even be holding.

"I insist. It is tough to ride for hours. Take this as a gift for my appreciation."

"Uh," he stammered, "thank you, my Prince. Should we leave for the palace then, eh?"

"Of course, lead the way."

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