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The fire came alive in an instant

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The fire came alive in an instant. The flames licked the air hungrily, wanting to devour the air around it. I watched it, liking the way it moved so randomly, bending every which way. Smoke started floating upwards, passing the tip of every tree in sight.

"Wouldn't the smoke let anyone else know about our whereabouts?" I blurted out. The Bleeders turned to me, but they shrugged.

"This is Solennes Jubar. No one gives a damn," the runaway said. The others snickered before tending to the roasting deer.

Before long, we were huddled around the fire, biting into the tender meat of the deer. It took me a while to start eating it, remembering the skinning process and all the blood that was spilt a couple of feet from us, but the hunger won.

"So Ella, why do you want to go to Solennes Jubar?"

I turned to see the freckled one staring at me expectantly. I chewed on the remainder of my piece of deer, trying not to offend him with terrible manners.

"I already said why. I just wanted to go on a little adrenaline run." I shrugged it off. "What about all of you? What were you doing in Potentia Flamber?"

"Business," Herc responded.

"What kind of business?" I continued inquiring.

"Something you'll learn about soon enough." Herc scoffed, finishing his piece of deer and reaching for a second one.

"So defensive," I commented. "Doesn't that get you killed?"

He gave me a pointed look as everyone chuckled.

"You be careful with that tongue," he said.

I rolled my eyes but left it at that.

"So, Ella, I think it's time we introduce ourselves," the freckled one spoke again. "I'm Jax Redthorne. The best member here."

Everyone groaned.

"Please excuse him," the blonde one said. "I'm Gaia Skyvulnere. I hope you enjoy being in this gang of actual idiots." She pointed specifically at Jax.

I giggled.

"I'm Kora Sagitta," the red-headed one said. "Like Gaia said, I hope you like it here. I know being in a gang isn't exactly glamorous, but we are still a family."

"A big dysfunctional family," the runaway added. "And my name's Marisole Portalorde."

Since Marisole was right next to me, I stretched my hand for her to shake. She quirked a brow, but reached out and shook it.

"I'm Adonis Whinter," the jewel-eyed man said once I turned to him. I nodded at him and then turned to the other Flamber.

He scrutinized me before spitting out: "Orion Mountecrest."

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