"Shocking" Literally!

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It's funny the way everyone is looking at me right now. Apparently I look like an idiot looking at them 'cause Zoë slapped me upside the head.


One of the hunters Phobe was glaring at me if looks could kill. I looked at everyone surrounding me and smiled. " I should really introduce myself. I am Perseus god of heros son of Ne-Posiedon and Khoine." I almost slipped Artemis glared at me.

I gulped. There is nothing more scary than an angry maiden goddess with a a bow.

I froze for a moment hearing something strange. Apparently Octavion (Heros of olympus!!) was on another rampage. I winced feeling my form flicker. I glanced at Artemis " I have to go. Theres a crazy demigod on the rampage. I swear if he was a god he would be the god of stuffed animals with the amount he shreds a day." i sighed looking at Zoë.

I leaned down and kissed her on the forhead. My form flickered to Roman as I straightened my posture I glanced at Di-Artemis. I nodded my head at her in respect and flashed out to Camp Jupiter to take care of Octivian.

As soon as I appeared I was zapped with an enough lightning to knock out a demigod. As soon as the electricity came it was gone.

I turned to see Jason Grace looking incredibly shocked by my sudden appearance. I smiled at him causing him to smile back at me.

"Hello again Jason Where is Octavion from what I hear he is on another rampage." I said with a smirk. My roman form is only slightly diffrent from my Greek form. One thing about my roman persona is that I am very stiff and always abide by the rules. Thats the only diffrence between my forms. I still have the same name in my roman form also.

Jason shook his head at me "Octavian Is in the infirmary right now. He scared me when he ran into my barraks and I shocked him." I burst out laughing knowing he gave him a high voltage.

"Thanks Jason. Oh I also came to say goodbye. I have to go somewhere for a while. I won't be here for the battle against Saturn so I have decided to become a patron." His worried look became curious.

"Who are you going to give your blessing to" he asked curiously.

I smiled "Well I wanted to bless a demigod who deserves the power. Who won't use it for bad and I decided that you Jason Grace would be the best choice. So do you Jason Grace accept my offer and become my champion." I said with a chuckle.

I had shocked the shocker.

He smiled "Yes I accept" He said excitedly jumping up and down on the balls of his feet. I nodded and placed my hand on his shoulder and let my power flow.

When I was finally done i took a good look at him. He had grown a good 3 inches and looked a little more muscled. His blue eyes know had a dark black ring around them and he had what looked like a new aymbol on his SPQR tatoo. It was a star with a sword through it. Intresting.

I was brought out of my musings when I heard a bunch of clapping. I smiled at the crowd of people surrounding me and Jason and nodded at him before flashing out.

Hey people Thank you so much for the votes. I am thinking of skipping through to the Heros of olympus first book. What do you think yes or no? please comment your awnser. PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, and SHARE! Oh Jason isn't hera's champion in this story

Chi mi a-rithist thu (Scottish)


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