Time Skip

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It's been just about a year since I became Jason's patron, and about 11 months since I brought Zoë to my "Palace" in the Underworld. Seeing as Hades and Thantos owed me a favor they let me bring her back to life.

Whats happening right now you may ask? Well I am 'tying up loose ends' as Zoë put it. So you guessed it I am talking to my mother. 'Shocker I know really. I even suprised myself. 

Anyway we are walking down the hallway towards the entrance hall doing what? You guessed it. (were doing alot of that lately) We are having a screaming match. Like always.

When we finally make it to the entrance hall I see three demigods. A daughter of Aphrodite, A son of Hesphestus, and Jason. I smile brightly walking towards them.

"Welcome to The palace of Boreas! Hey Jason it's ice to see you again. Pun intended." I said laughing at their faces.

He looks at me confused when recogntion suddenly crosses his face. He gives me a big smile. "Hey Perce it's good to see you again too. It's been about a year since I've seen you hasn't it?" 

"Yup, hopefully you don't zap me like last time I saw you. Who are your friends?" I asked giving them a friendly smile. I sem to be smiling a lot too. It's probabbly Zoë's fault.

 "I won't zap you again, and this is Piper Mclean daughter of Aphrodite and hating every minuite of it and Leo Valdez son of Hesphestus" He said with a slight laugh. I laughed with him.

"I am Perseus, but call me percy" I said with a slight bow.

Leo looked a little confused. "Are you a demigod?" As soon as the words came out of his mouth both me and Jason burst out laughing.

"No-" I barely got out before Jason interrupted me.

"Hades no! How do you not recognize him. He's the god of heroes for Hades sake!" He exclaimed causing the ground to shake slightly.

The two demigods looked at me wide eyed and jaws hanging open. I scowled at Jason 'causing him to give me a sheepish grin.

I shook my head same old Jason. Just then a thought occured to me.

"Hey Jason how are you doing with the thing I gave you last time I saw you?" I said glancing at Piper and Leo. I don't know if he had told them about me being his patron.

"It's doing good. I've been working really hard with it, but so far so good." he said bluntly telling me they didn't know about it.

My mother cleared her throat gaining their attention.

"Boreas whats to see you" She said expressionless. They noded.

"i have to go anyway. It was good to meet you Leo and Piper. Goodbye Jason" I noded to my mother before flashing back to Zoë.

Sorry it wasn't as long, but this a thank you for so many views. I love you peoples!

Au Revior, (French)


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