Avenger Towers

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I have once again spent hours on a operating table as Bruce scans and tries to make sense of my brain. I sit up and sigh, feeling annoyed. Bruce walked into the room followed by Tony.

"Why must we do this again, Tony?" I ask monotonously. While Bruce walks over to stand next to me, Tony makes his way to the results, carefully checking them over.

"Because your situation makes no sense and I am determined to figure it out." He says half-heartedly, too busy asking Jarvis question after question about the results. Bruce and I give each other a look.

"Ok, one, I've been here for two years now. And two, I told you everything I remember! I woke up in the city and made my way to the closest building- - even though my legs felt like they would fall off if I took one more step. I randomly decided to walk into what I didn't know was your building, and here we are. You've already tested me thoroughly. I don't know if I had these gifts before I lost my memory. All I know is that I have them, and that I have been a ginormous help in your studies." I explain, feeling a little winded as I just summarized the last two years of my life. Tony turns around and gives me his best withering stare. He starts making his way over, step by step.

"That. I understand. What I don't understand. Is what happened to you before you lost your memories, if you had your weird capabilities, and if you were made and or sent here to hurt us." Tony then explains to me for the fifth time.

"I won't hurt you guys. You guys have been like family and I could never repay you for all you've done," I say sincerely. I hop off the table and make my way into the lab, Bruce and Tony's steps assure me they're following. "Now can we please refocus on what really matters here?" I practically beg.

"Finding Hydra bases?" Bruce asks, feeling shy I guess, I don't know his voice seems quiet.

"Ding, Ding! Correct." I smile. Turning back around and issuing our satellites to find out where they could be hiding. My fingers are interrupted from their typing as Tony leans against the stand that holds up the computer, covering some of the keys I need access to.

"Can't you see into the future? Can't you just tell us where the next base is?" Tony asks as he peers over to see whatever I'm up to. I groan, walking away to start another program to search them.

"Tony, don't you know my powers by now? Or do I have to tell you again?" I ask. He snorts.

"No I think I-

"One," I start, turning on my heel to look at him. "I practically have X-Ray vision as I am able to see into a persons body and assess whatever the problem may be. Two, I have an IQ so high that neither of you could comprehend the number as it hasn't even been invented yet. Three! I know points of the body that need to be touched in order to do a many of things. Things such as mind control, rapid healing, passing out, and yes... even dying. And there are probably more that I have yet to discover." I throw my hands up in the air. But I quickly smile as the computer beeps, signaling its completed process. I walk briskly to the computer where Tony still hangs.

"That whole death thing was a little unnerving." He mutters. My eyes flicker over the computer causing a wide grin to plaster itself on my face upon seeing many heat signatures in one area in the middle of an unpopulated area.

"Don't piss me off and we won't have anything to worry about." I mumble back. Tony backs away looking at me with a wide-eyed expression though his eyes weren't physically widened. I walk around him and over to the larger computers, looking into the new found area.

"What'd you find?" Bruce asked, glancing over my shoulder.

"An unpopulated area that has too many human heat signatures to be normal. It could be Hydra," I say.

"Or, an unregistered town." Tony adds. I ignore him and type quickly, my eyes flickering over multiple computers.

Until I stop.

"Satellite pictures taken a few months ago show nothing or no one on that land. Now the satellite pictures I just had done..." I trail off as I pull them up. Bruce chuckles as Tony doesn't say anything.

"Suit up." He says as all of our eyes meet. After, he begins to leave the room. I lean over the computers,

"Admit I'm an addition to the team!" I yell out to him.

"I will never!" He shouts back. Bruce and I laugh. I lean against the table and look over at him.

"You think you can do this, big guy? Or should I say, small guy?" I grin. Bruce shakes his head, looking down at the ground. He takes his glasses off with a sigh.

"Ugh, I don't know Case. Just feels like every time I let him have control, he just gets stronger and stronger. It's becoming harder to regain that control, you know?" He finally looks over at me and I don't need my gifts to know he's in peril. He scoffs. "Of course you wouldn't know." I raise a brow.

"Are you kidding? I woke up one random day with a mind that overpowers my body every day. I feel a constant headache every time I dare to think... and I'm an over-thinker." I explain, not having told anyone this. Ever.

"Wait, it hurts?" He asks, turning to me fully. I nod.

"Of course it does. I'm a seventeen year old girl with the brain of someone that shouldn't be alive for probably seventeen millennia... But this isn't about me Bruce. I just wanted you to know I understood. That if the hulk is giving you problems... I can relate." I send him a quick grin before turning away from him to make my way out the door.

"I'd say suit up but I think it's better for you to wait." I look at him from over my shoulder with a smirk. He chuckles before heading off in a different direction.

I myself make my way into the room my suits being held. I unlock the cabinet and look at my suit, smiling wide.

The suit was a dark navy blue that reached from my ankles and ended to wrap tightly around my neck; white lines wrapped around my wrists, calves, and torso at diagonal angels. A pocket for my dagger (Incase my hands ever failed me) and a mask that covered the area around my eyes.

"Let's suit up." I mutter to myself. I step forward to get dressed when-

"Casey! What are you doing? Hurry up!" Tony yells. I stop short.

"Ok? And I'll be ready when I'm ready!"


I'm so excited for this. Like it's gonna be fun. And crazy. And idek but IM EXCITED!

Okay okay okay. So I've already written this entire thing. I just have to post it. But anyway, today, days after the book as been finished. I saw a trailer for the movie "Lucy" with Scarlett Johanson, Aka Black Widow and Natasha Romanoff.

So if you want to get a real feel for what exactly Casey's powers are, watch the trailer. From what I saw at least, the seem really similar. Which freaked me out a little bit, ngl lol.

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