Revenge of The Robots

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The flying robots start firing small bomb blasts at the ground. I watch in horror as they either hit close to people... or hit people directly. My eyes as wide as saucers, I scream.

"NOOO!" My voice radiates through the area, my palms to the side of me as my blue magic pulses over the city in one fell swoop. I ignore the firing flashes of pain that swirls in my mind, desperate for everyone to get out.

"RUN!" I scream again, ordering them all to sprint as fast as they can to get out of the city.

The all instantly start sprinting and screaming in fear. I watch for a second as the robots start landing, firing blasts at people. Pietro and I look at each other before we run towards the bots. Pietro, obviously getting there quicker then me. He busts through robot after robot as I place my fingertips on their chest, frying their circuits so Ultron won't be able to use them or save them.

I rush over to another bot, destroying its body before jumping off of it and onto a bot flying by. I see the lights on it's 'mouth' move but I'm happy to report that I don't hear a single thing that smug bastard says. I smirk, frying its body and hoping that Ultron feels all the pain of his bots dying.

I suddenly start free-falling. I really didn't think this over. I squeeze my eyes shut, ready for impact. While I'm ready for the hard ground, I'm happily surprised by the two outlines of arms I feel wrap under my legs. I open my eyes to see a smirking Pietro.

"Didn't see that coming?" He asks, his ego so over-filled its dripping on the floor. I roll my eyes.

"I knew you'd catch me." I lie easily. Not letting him know that I didn't see him coming. He chuckles making me think I didn't lie as easily as I thought...

"This area is clear for now." I hear Pietro speak to someone else through the coms.

"Good. Move on out." Steve orders. Pietro doesn't respond but nods, not looking down at me before he runs off, searching for a spot with a bigger amount of bots and civilians.

He soon stops and I guessed we've reached our destination and I hop of out his arms and he lets me. I instantly hold my hands up.

"You ready?" He asks, an underlying tone of worry in his voice. My brain waves move fluidly and ready for action while my heart beats heavily and nervous for action.

"I was made ready." I speak after a moment; Already calculating how to destroy all these bots in the quickest fashion. A whole line of bots destroying people's cars, looking for civilians to hurt.

"Good." He responds, cracking his neck with a slight smirk before he runs through, smashing all the bots in my sight in one fluid motion. As my world moves at half the speed as others, I watch him in amazement as robot parts slowly fly around the area.

I let out a breathless laugh before sprint towards the other bots. Dodging their attacks, using a hand on two bots at once.

I jump off of a car, kicking my leg out and onto a robots chest, watching in amusement as their circuit board completely rips out of their body. I continue doing this. Smashing, frying, and twisting the robots so that Ultron won't be able to escape through one of them. So that Ultron won't ever be able to harm anybody ever again.

Once I'm finished with a large batch of them, I turn around and face Pietro's shocked face. Only then do I look on the ground and see a little more than a dozen robots surrounding me in tiny little pieces. I chuckle, a little embarrassed. I open my mouth to say something when the ground shakes.

I bend my knees and hold my hands out as I try and steady myself. When I think it's stoped I stand back up, only for the ground to quake and rumble, a loud noise coming from below us. I trip over the vibrations and Pietro is holding me up in an instant.

Race To My Heart ☞︎ A Pietro Maximoff Fan FicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz