Casey O'Conner Through The MCU

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Ok... so if I know the order correctly, the next movie for Casey would be Civil War, right? I think so... OK, LETS GO!

*Spoilers* Do Not Read if you haven't finished the book

Civil War: So Casey and Pietro are still living on Clint's farm but they have their own little house on some of their land. It was like a family project after like five months of Casey and Pietro recovering. Casey gets a call about the accords and decides on siding with Tony as much as it hurts her. Her family were once the bad guys... she wants to follow the law and do whatever necessary to live a normal and content life. Plus, there are no files of her and no real proof she was apart of HYDRA. She hates shes going against Steve but she has to follow her gut. She signs the accords and apologizes to Steve. She doesn't fight with anyone and she doesn't get in the middle of it. She has no interest anymore. She uses her gifts to help and heal people. But besides that she doesn't use her magic at all. Her and Pietro are still very happy.

Infinity War: After Living peacefully all this time, her and Pietro are engaged. Because that's what they wanna do. They join the fight kinda late but willingly. Casey actually goes for the head but Thanos pushes her off before she can do any real damage. He knocks her into a tree and she passes out. Pietro tries using his speed to like mega punch him but Thanos uses his armor to smash Pietro away from him. (In a different universe Casey went for the head while Pietro distracted him and they ended up killing Thanos and everyone loved and everyone was happy. But not Loki because he had already died which actually hurts my soul.) Then after Thanos snaps, Casey wakes up and they're both crawling towards each other. Pietro turns to dust first and Casey cries out in agony but stops in shock that she's turning to dust too.

Endgame: obviously they aren't apart of it for awhile since they all crusty and dusty. But when the whole doctor strange ring thing happens, Casey and Pietro appear hand in hand on Steve's right side. "You didn't think you could finish this without me, could you?" And then she looks up at Bruce with a wide smile on her face and demands to know what happened later. Wanda rushes over and hugs them both into oblivion, already trying to catch up with them. "How about we do this later?" Pietro says. They all fight and then win and stuff and Casey is actually really sad about Tony's death. But she is absolutely crushed about hearing what happened to Natasha. She's also really confused about Peter Parker because they never met and she's confused and saddened by Morgan. During the funeral she and Pietro stand a little bit behind Morgan and Pepper. Pepper demanding it because of how long Tony took care of her. Casey let herself cry for him. And she finally decided, yes. Yes he was smarter than her.

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