It All Started With A Wink

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Natasha drives the Jeep through the snowy woods as Clint fires arrows at his targets. While I sit patiently, waiting to get out of the car so I can actually do something.

My view turns to the sky as Thor jumps in the air beating about five guys at once.

"Show off." I mumble.

We keep driving when a Hydra soldier jumps onto the car. My eyes widen in alarm.

"Do you want to do something?!" Natasha yells. Oh yeah! I stand up, quickly tapping at certain areas on his head making blue ripples appear on his armor. The soldier instantly falls off the car and I sit down feeling so satisfied doing something that I almost don't notice the headache.

Natasha speeds up as we reach Cap, Thor, and Bruce aka the hulk as he's now throwing soldiers all over the place. I watch him in amusement before Natasha jerks the car, her and Clint jumping out.

I jump out of myself, use the gear shift to lift myself up, and leap from off of the top of the car.

I land on a soldiers neck, quickly making them pass out before I use his head to cartwheel myself to the other soldier standing next to him as I do the same. I smile, breathing in the fresh air of the mountains.

"What a nice day."

"Yeah it's great, now get to work O'Conner." Tony orders. I roll my eyes but start running towards the large building.

"Who found this place again?" I taunt, hitting a guy in the middle of his chest before kicking his legs in a way that would make him feel paralyzed. Though he wasn't.

I run to my next soldier as I watch tony fly to the building but he quickly gets pushed back. I look closer and realize there's a force field covering the entire thing.

"Shit!" He yells in aggravation.

"Language!" Steve reprimands making me snort. "Jarvis, whats the view from upstairs?" He asks. Jarvis' voice is soon sounding in all of our ears.

I'm suddenly standing between two guys. I face one, quickly turning around to kick the other in the balls, he falls to his knees. I turn to the first guy and shrug as he stares at me.

"An oldie but a goodie." I smirk, jumping on his knee to wrap my legs around his neck, he soon collapses in exhaustion. The other guy stumbles up.

"How'd that feel?" I ask with a pout. I run over to him and grab it at the right angle. With a flick of my wrist, I break his dick. He shouts in pain, falling once again. I move my hand to make him pass out when he does so on his own accord.

"I always found passing out from pain to be such an interesting thing." I smirk.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy field," Jarvis starts saying as I forgot he was even there. I mean, I could've told them that. "Struckers technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." Jarvis explains.

I run at a tree, kicking off a certain angle to kick two soldiers in the head at the right place as they start getting an unbearable migraine.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Thor sounds through the mic.

My head snaps over to my left as Natasha comes into view, punching a guy in the face. I chuckle and rush over to help her up before we start fighting side-by-side as we each take down two guys at a time.

"At long last is lasting a little long, boys." Natasha says, we both turn around to see another soldier. Natasha quickly shoots them.

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint comments.

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