The Mistaken

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They all pause. I don't move. For some reason I'm not even trying to move. Everyone in the room looks at me. I notice Pietro had scattered over to his sister.

No ones moves because no one knows how my body's going to react.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Friend!" Clint suddenly shouts, jumping off the island and landing a firm punch to my face before landing on a knee.

I'm surprised that I felt no pain. I couldn't currently feel what my HYDRA body was experiencing. But I don't think it felt much either as the punch barley moved my head.

Clint looks up, his body tense. Still, nobody moves.

I wait with baited breath.

My body moves into action, grabbing Clint's neck and forcing him to dangle in the air. People finally moved into action as well. They can't trust me when I'm like this! Vision is the first to reach me. I quickly back kick him in the stomach before using Clint's body to throw at Steve. They both fell to the ground.

Tony stood back, holding out his arms to call his suit to him. Thor charged me. I tried using my hands- - most likely to kill him, but as each of my hands flew out, his hammer smacked them away. Realizing this tactic wasn't working, I tried kicking him, trying to render his legs useless. Suddenly I was flying.

Thor had smacked his hammer over my head... I crash into the fragile glass that Ultron had smashed through. I clutch onto the floor as I feel myself dangling from the edge of a very tall building!

Pietro runs forward, holding out his hand. I hear a grunt leave my body before I swing my right leg around the edge to kick him in the head. He slides backward, his sister rushing to his side before red energy flows from her fingers.

I feel my body smirk as her magic doesn't work on me anymore.

Just as I'm about to reach her, she's pushed to the side as I come face-to-face with Vision.

"You do not need to do this." He speaks lowly. I snarl and instantly try getting my hands on him, blocking and dodging other attacks from other avengers.

"Don't let her get her hands on you!" Steve yells as if that wasn't completely obvious before.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bruce step to the back of the kitchen and away from harm. I mentally sigh in relief. If I ever hurt Bruce... I don't know what I would do to myself.

I go back to paying attention to whatever my body's doing. I kick Clint away from me before I grip Thor's long hair and smash it against my knee.

I go to grab his hammer when it crashes onto the floor. I tug, trying to lift it. But it won't budge. I growl out in frustration before jumping off of it and onto a now completed iron man suit Tony's wearing.

He gets his blasters ready to fire when I grip his face mask in my hand and rip it off, making his rockets stumble himself backwards. With my legs wrapped around his waist, my hands let go of him, crushing his mask into a small metal ball. I head butt him and jump off, turning around to punch Pietro in the chest after noticing the beginning change of motion. I momentarily block air from entering his lungs.

"Hey!" Steve's voice yelled out in the room. Both me and my HYDRA counterpart become confused. Who would announce themselves before attacking? Intrigued, I feel myself turn around, seeing Steve's shield heading right towards us.

But it's too late to stop. The shield hits our face and our world goes dark.

I groan feeling a major headache come on; and not the headache I get from thinking... I start hearing rustling from all around me. I groan again and go to rub my hands against my closed eyes, I realize I can't move them. Confused, I open my eyes and instantly meet with rope across my hands and torso. Did someone tie me up?

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