Chapter 3.2 | Monsters

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Wellston Private Highschool- Hall B

Remi PoV

Engulfed by fury, I stomped through the hall, my was overflowing with vicious fantasies. My path cleared swiftly as the crowds of students noticed me approaching. I was far from the idiots in the infirmary. How can they let it slide?! The psycho was now avoiding the consequences of his actions and Seraphina is still supporting him. After everything!  

Trying to talk to him was such a waste of time! He’s such a hypocrite! I ranted mentally while noting the blistering pain in my balled fists. Ouch! I examined my palms, they had deep cuts and my nails were bloodstained. This isn’t that bad.

Poor Blyke and Isen. They didn’t deserve this… Suddenly a wave of sadness washed over me. My throat burned and scratched as I drowned in a waterfall of my own tears. I couldn’t stop them. They just kept coming.

Bursting through the door the nearest classroom, I scanned the room. It was empty. With that, I sat myself on a chair and bawled. I sobbed uncontrollably. Unable to take in a single breath I hugged myself tightly. 

This is all my fault!!

The wound I had inflicted upon myself a few moments ago were the only ones I had. But they are both unconscious! My pink hair covered my red face. This was my fight! I should have stopped them! 

We all knew John was on a whole other league. We didn’t stand a chance...I pulled my knees close to me and rested my chin on them. They just involved themselves to protect me...sniff... because they knew I would keep pushing.

‘Who the fu*k said you could bring your friends along?!”,a shiver shook my spine.

If I was alone he would have just beat me. All that did was make him angry.

A heavy realisation dawned on me, all of my efforts to calm him down, only pissed the ravenette off. My every word was another log onto an already raging fire.

When I went to talk to him, although John was reluctant to listen, he did. He only lost it when I mentioned cooperation with Arlo and my friends. I placed my hand on my creased forehead. I was so stupid to let them into this fight!

Unable to forgive myself, I sat helplessly, curled into a ball. Thinking about the conversation John and I had two days ago. We saw eye to eye on the core problems with society. But we disagreed on tactics, but now, I had to admit, John was right.

People don’t react unless given a display of force and power. Myself included. The fact that I was considering his opinions only after he asserted his dominance over me and my companions, was evidence.

This is an effect of the hierarchy. And to destroy it we need to change the minds of the people in it. And if violence is what reaches them, John’s plan would’ve worked. Mine wouldn’t. 

I shook my head, what has this world come to? I’m sorry Rei. I failed you in every possible way. But I will achieve what you wanted for this cursed world. No matter what.

Guilt pulled at my heartstrings again. I shouldn’t have been so blunt with John. The scene replayed in my head, his casual question, my outburst, the shock on his face as he realised the weight of his actions and of course the gratitude he beamed with when Arlo defended him.

I couldn’t understand why Arlo would do that. It was so unlike him. But he was right though, John is certainly in no position to take responsibility for his actions right now. Those discussions will have to wait. I hope we can work out an agreement.

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