Chapter 4.1| Fool

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Wellston private highschool- Lunch

John PoV

“What do you think he’ll do?”

“He’s so scary!”


“How powerful do you think he is?”

“I don’t know, like a... 7…?!”

I scoffed the the last remark. 7? Please. I walked through the hall, making my way to the staircase. I ignored most of the comments about me, but some really make me lose the little faith I have in humanity. The theory that I might me a 7, the horror, really wasn’t the worst I’ve heard over the last two days. Some idiots thought I could be some sort of genetically mutated experiment because of my uncommon ability! Who comes up with this crap?!

However, it wasn’t all bad, since the incident I’ve regained a lot of my memories. Spanning all the way from the sweetshop on the street corner of my childhood home, to having mango Boba with Sera last weekend. It feels amazing. It’s a truly intoxicating experience to live through your life a second time, in such a short time frame while making new memories on top of that! 

Of course, life isn’t just sunshine and rainbows, so I lived through my past sorrows again  as well. But with Sera there to support me, I’ve managed to push on and be constructive, desperately trying not to repeat my mistakes. 

After some retrospection, I have decided that the first thing on my To Do list was to correct my violent tendencies. Although sometimes got  a monstrous urge to punch a brick wall, it was... manageable, especially now that people have stopped harassing Sera in fear of my wrath. Nonetheless, people still get on my nerves, very often. Suppressing these vile curses that tangled themselves throughout my consciousness has proven a challenge. Most people don’t deserve respe-eeaAAH-CT!

And………..I tripped………….fantastic.

Lost in thought, I hadn’t realised there was another step on the stairs and kabam! I swiftly, stood up, dusting off my jacket and trying to look smooth. I walked away from the scene, climbing the next steps casually to the next floor, while also escaping the uproared chatter behind me. Now my knee hurts… :(

With a throbbing numbness pulsing up my leg, I limped my way towards the roof entrance. The journey seemed endless so inklings of ideas trapped my mind once more. I had the right idea, this hierarchy needs to go. Sera may be safe now but it's only because everyone is scared of me and my power.

 If I wasn't around, Sera would be badly beaten up every single day. I clenched my jaw instinctively as I gripped the rail tighter. How am I supposed to fix it now?! My plan won't work with everyone knowing who Joker is! My brows furrowed while a low growl could be heard from my throat. It's all because of that girl, Elaine! She ruined my- 

Reaching the top, I took a moment to calm down. Shaking my head I sighed, fighting my growing anger. No. It was my fault. Control yourself, John.

With a swift tug on the handle, the stiff door creaked open. The brightness of the outside was blinding so my eyelids shut firmly. Taking a deep breath, the refreshing, chilled air cleared my head, I shifted my focus from my troubles and allowed myself to become lost in the stillness, the nothingness, the never ending calm.

"You just gonna stand there?", a sweet voice penetrated the silence of my mind. I opened my eyes, only to be met by a pair of beautiful blue ones.

" Soz, just zoned out for a bit.", I smiled and waved at the magenta-haired girl, "Hey Sera!"

unCHANGED |unOrdinary| John x Sera Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ