Chapter 4.3 | Fools

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15a Pistachio Street  Wellston Town

Doc PoV

Springing up in my bed, I escaped my chilling nightmare. I was breathless. That awful unicorn was trying to… I gulped...hug me! As I slowed my shaky breathing,  I looked over at my clock. 

Ugghhh….It's too early! I flopped my head deep into my pillow and threw the mountain of blankets over myself. I. Curled into a ball and waited for the void of the subconscious mind to take me.

As I began to feel drowsy and lost focus on reality, I heard my phone vibrate loudly. Startled and cringing, I grabbed the nuisance while cursing it under my breath.

As the light of the bright screen blinded me, I looked at my notifications. I gasped.

Leilah texted me!

Cheerfully, I clicked on the tab, opening the message. My eyes widened as I read what my gorgeous girlfriend sent.

I couldn't believe it.

She found it.

Wellston- Turf War Grounds
John PoV

As we stepped off the train I inhaled deeply, cherishing the calming scent of fresh air. I was glad to be out of that shuttle, it was giving me weird vibes, like a deja vu.

You dumbass, that's probably because you've already been on it before. I mentally face palmed myself.

However, I still couldn't shake that eerie feeling. Not even when we silently walked further into the deserted Turf War grounds.

Something was off

I felt like Arlo had something to do with it. I just can't quite put my finger on it. The air around him was uneasy, as if the blonde was walking on eggshells. Caution in every step. 

Earlier,when Arlo glared at Sera, I subconsciously considered him a threat. I was agitated because of his attitude towards the angel, yet the anger I felt towards the tall man was deeper, something suppressed…

Is he hiding something?

The boy paced in front of me stiffly, his focused vision was plastered onto the open plane. He did not dare look behind him, at me. I grew more concerned as my suspicions seemed to be confirmed by the  blonde himself.  

Desperately, I scoured my memories looking for even the subtlest hints to Arlo’s lies. But I couldn’t. I didn’t remember anything of the sort, just a subliminal  unrest. As if a warning.

I thrust my fists into my pockets, shaking my head in annoyance. Calm down, John. You’re just being dramatic… Arlo wouldn’t lie to me

He was honest enough when he admitted to being my rival, why would he lie about anything else. He seems like an alright guy anyway!

I closed my eyes, drifting in the tranquil, consistency of walking. I had always enjoyed long walks. They always give me time to think.

I bounced off the blonde’s back, as I bumped straight into him.

So much for consistency!

Now, Arlo was facing me, confusion on his face, which reflected my own. The three girls had stopped along with the intimidatingly tall boy, meaning we finally arrived. Timidly, I peeked behind Arlo, only to be met by my three cold gazes. plus , one fearful one, which I could only assume was the healer.

unCHANGED |unOrdinary| John x Sera Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα