Chapter 8| Failed

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Wellston Private Highschool

Keene PoV

"Sir, do you think she'll continue on with her plan?", I asked as the headmaster steadily eyed the desk that he was resting his elbows on.

He sighed, " Most likely. "

"Then why are we still sitting here instead of stopping her?!"

Coldly, Vaughn glanced at me with the corner of his eye, "John can't be contained. He won't cooperate and EMBER's plan will fail."

I gulped nervously, "Can we really bet their safety on John? He's completely unpredictable!"

"Completely? That's quite the overstatement.", he took a slow sip of tea, " Everyone has values to which they stick. The kids will be fine."



Doc PoV

Files, files and moRE FILES!

I tossed the loose papers into the growing pile and chugged the rest of my black coffee. It was cold. Disgusting. "ARGHH!!" I slammed my hand on the desk. Why does every day have to be so difficult!

“I hope I’m not disturbing anything.”, a familiar voice teased.

I turned my head to see my beautiful girlfriend leaning, arms crossed, on the door frame. “Leilah?”, I stood up and embraced her, quickly pecking her on the cheek, “I thought you were coming tomorrow.”

“Well,” she smiled weakly, “Plans change.”

“Is something wrong? You look worried.”

She patted my shoulder, reassuring me. “It's nothing I can’t handle.”

“If you say so.” I said, tucking a strand of her lilac locks behind her ear. “So, do you have the drug?”

She sighed, “Unfortunately, they wouldn’t let me leave with it, so I’ll have to take the girl to the facility instead. That won’t be a problem, will it?” she asked.

“Ultimately, its Seraphina’s decision.”, I said scratching my unshaved chin.

“Great.”, Leilah beamed, “Could you call her here? It’s best if we get started right away!”

Sera PoV

“Seraphina, please report to the Infirmary immediately.” 

Confused, I crawled up from my spot on the roof and made my way to the door. The Infirmary? What could that be about? I shut the door behind me, then paced down the staircase, tightly gripping the bannister. When I turned the corner, I bashed, face-first into some boy’s chest. Sh*t! I closed my eyes and winced, preparing myself for beating. Good thing I’m on my way to the Infirmary.

“Crap! Sorry, Sera!” It was only John. Of all people- “I wasn’t watching where I was going, you ok?”

I wasn’t ready to look him in the eye yet. Looking down at my dusty shoes, I began to walk past him, “Yeah, it’s all good.”, I said, “Sorry.”

I could feel his silent gaze follow me down the stairs, but I didn’t look back. That was awkward. Sighing, I decided I needed to talk to him but I knew I wouldn’t be able to find the words just yet. Ugh! Stupid.

Finally, I reached my destination. As I was about to enter the room, I stopped, fingers hovering above the handle.

I could hear two muffled voices. The gruff one was certainly Doc but I could clearly hear a woman. It sounds just like- No. It couldn't be. Leilah left a long time ago, she wouldn't randomly show up in Wellston's Infirmary.

unCHANGED |unOrdinary| John x Sera Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum