Chapter 11| Bad Dream

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John PoV

"The more you know, right?", I massaged my brow, " Who would have thought?"

Great. Now were officially superheroes. This was getting real and fast.

Placing her phone down on the coffee table, Sera pulled up to the other girl to face her. "Remi, please join us.", she   pleaded, "With you we'd have all of our bases covered!"

I nodded in agreement, crossing my arms. While, Remi sat silently, her glance shifted between Sera and myself. She looked like she'd seen a ghost. But soon she asked, "You guys want me to join you?", she started to grin, " That's the kind of crazy I can get on board with! Now we'll have the strength to take down Vulcan too!"

"Who?", Sera asked. I too was curious.

"Oh, Vulcan works with EMBER.", Remi said, realising we didn't know what she was talking about, " She deals ability enhancers to criminals and...", she gulped, looking down at her balled fists, "she kills vigilantes, her ability fits the reports.", she muttered.

I stiffened. What if... My bangs covered my face, I didn't escape the facility. Would they be discussing how to take me down, instead?

I knew that the authorities wanted me to be their secret weapon, they'd have no other use for me. I would be a killer... A monster.

I'm dangerous. It's not safe.I started to lose the feeling in the tips of my fingers as numbness started to spread through my body. I'm incapable of change. I should go back-

" John.", Sera stroked my forearm, tracing circles on it with her thumb. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah. I'm fine.", I cleared my throat, snapping out of my trance.

I needed to get a grip on myself. It wasn't the first time these thoughts resurfaced, but if they keep doing so, I could be a real problem.

I didn't want to tell Sera though. She looked so happy and excited for our relationship and now the superhero thing. I didn't want to spoil that for her, I wasn't worth the headache.

I'm a failure.

I didn't realise Remi was still speaking, "-anyway, that's all I, Blyke and Isen know."

"Ok, so you really have a lot figured out already!", Sera said, " That's insane. ", she scratched her chin, " We should probably start planning a mission or patrol. You know, get going; help the cause! "

"Yeah!", Remi exclaimed, " This will work! We can make the world better for everyone! Finally! "

Sera smiled and turned to me, "What about you John?", she asked, " You're awfully quiet. "

"Mmhhmm, yeah.", I mumbled, "W-we are going to be great.", I stretched a smile across my face, trying to look enthusiastic and natural. I needed to. 

I shouldn't lie to Sera again... it ended badly last time...

unCHANGED |unOrdinary| John x Sera Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora