Chapter 7.2| Change

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John PoV

The girl ran away down the hall, shoving through the, now dispersing, crowd. 

After withholding my need to look at her, I finally laid my eyes on Sera with a breath of relief. She had a confused look on her face when our eyes met, but then she broke contact and kneeled next to the girl on the floor. She asked the girl if she was OK and if she needed to go to the infirmary. The girl waved Sera away, assuring her that she was fine.

That was my cue. Turning on my heel, I started to walk away from the girls. With my hands in my pockets again, I glumly lowered my head and dropped my glance to the floor. 


Immediately, I snapped back towards Sera, letting myself get my hopes up. "Yeah?", I said trying to mask the hint of excitement in my voice.

Her sky-blue irises met mine as she said, "Thank you for your help."

"Anytime.", I smiled faintly while sending her a small salute. Before I could try to register her reaction, I turned away and walked off. I didn't want to bother her. She almost certainly doesn't want me around.

But at least, she appreciated my help. I was satisfied. As long as I could still be around to help her, I was happy. 

Walking further down the hall, I headed towards the roof. I hope Sera believed what I said. I began jogging up the steps. I think it showed change.  I pushed the fastened doors open and took a breath of cool, fresh air. I just hope I can live up to her new expectations.

Sera PoV

" Are you sure you're ok? ", I asked again

" Seraphina, I said I'm fine!", Evie assured me, "John stepped in before that girl could do any real damage."

I sighed, relieved to know we wouldn't have to face Doc in the infirmary. I helped my friend up while she dusted off her uniform, then gave me a cheery smile.

"You know," she said, "Since I didn't get the chance to, could you tell him how grateful I am?"

I frowned a little, stiffening my lip, "I don't think we'll be talking much."

"What makes you say that?" She asked, " Did something happen? "

"Well..." I was hesitant for a moment, do I really want to tell her about this? Do I trust her?! I paused. Of course I do. She's my best friend. "When we were coming back from Turf Wars, John apologised for what he did to me and ...asked me out."

I looked for any sort of reaction on her face. Nothing. After a couple of moments she looked at me confused and said "And?"

"That doesn't surprise you?!"

Evie giggled and asked, "Should it?" Then she continued giggling.

I was shocked, why isn't it?! 

"Wait, did you expect him to do that?", I questioned, how blind am I?!

" well duh. He's so obviously into you!", once she saw my dumbstruck expression she patted me on the shoulder  and said "Don't worry Seraphina, it happens! Now, tell me the rest of your story."
"...Story…?", I asked, frazzled.

" He asked you out and…?"

"Oh, right.", I crossed my arms and stared-down the floor, " He asked me out and it, just, really pis*ed me off."

"What? Why?!"

"Well, how could he just ask me like that?! After all the lies, the pain, everything? It pushed me over the edge.", I shook my head, " I threw a complete fit, I regurgutated all of my secret issues with John all at once!" I tsked and looked back to Evie, "The poor guy gave me his heart on a platter and I chewed it up and spat it back in his face!"

Evie didn't say anything. And?! That's it?! 

"Come on don't just stare at me!", I whisper-yelled, " I need advice! I don't know what to do! ", I dug my fingers into my hair, gripping my head in a panic.

" really f-ed up didn't you?", she finally said.

I scoffed, "yuh, the understatement of the year, if you ask me."

"If you could take it all back, would you?"

"Yeah, I would have definitely played my cards differently." So differently.

Evie peeked at me with a subtle smirk, "Would you have still rejected him?"

"Y-yeah, probably.", I stammered

" Probably???"

"What are you getting at-"

"Oh, admit it! You like him too!", she said while gently shaking me by the shoulders.

" No!!", I protested, "I don't. He's just John. Nothing special"

Evie placed her hands on her hips, "No you're right. Just the devilishly handsome, hot, black-haired mystery-man, whose 'bad boy' aura you can smell from the next town over. Just John." She mocked, finishing with more giggles.

I could feel my entire face flush as the blunt pain in my chest throbbed again. "Shut up!", I laughed, infected my her high pitched mannerism.

" You're not denying it.", she pointed out.

"OK, maybe he's a little good looking.", I caved, I had to agree.

" Yeah, a tiny bit.", she teased

Maybe. Just maybe, I do like him.

Doc PoV


"Hello? Oh hey, Leilah." I paced up and down the infirmary, pressing the phone screen to my face. "So when can you get here? Yeah the day after tomorrow is good."

After giving me the last couple of details, she said she had to go. "OK, bye babe! See you soon!"

That Seraphina girl is going to be over the fu*king moon when she hears about this.

That Seraphina girl is going to be over the fu*king moon when she hears about this

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Sorry about the slightly late update😅

Till next time<3

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