Ticci Toby Summoning

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Ticci Toby is hostile so he would possible hurt you.

Ticci Toby is one of the more harder creepypastas to summon so ill give you some different ways.

Way 1:

You Will Need:                                                                                                                                                                         

-A Match for fire                                                                                                                                                                    

 -A trashcan with burnable things inside                                                                                                                    

-2 - 4 hatchets (Woks better at night)

Get a trash can and light it on fire.

Place real hatchets around the trashcan and say

"Toby the hatchet boy"

Then turn around.

If the trashcan doesn't work then make a bonfire and do the same thing


Way 2:

For this one you will need to be home alone to concentrate better but you can do this in any room with the lights on or off.

You Will Need:                                                                                                                                                                         


 -Red ball-point pen                                                                                                                                                           

-matches or lighter.

First Write 'Toby Erin Rodgers' On the paper with the pen

Then burn the paper with the lighter or match

Lastly with your best child voice say "Ticci Toby"


Way 3:


1. Don't leave the hiding spot or he will kill you

2. Don't talk to him or try to see what he looks like unless you wanna die

3. Don't leave the game once it starts

4. You must be alone

5. Don't leave the clock behind and bring it with you everywhere you go

What you'll need:

- A hatchet

- a clock

- abandoned place

- black marker

On the 28th of April at 0:00/ 12:00 At night, go to the abandoned house  alone with all of the things you need. Draw the operator symbol on your back with the black marker then go to a hiding place in the abandoned house (make sure the front and back door to the house is closed) Set the clock alarm to 0:19 and when the time hits 0:10 go to the front door, throw the hatchet at the door and then laught or chuckle 3 times and say...

"Toby the hatchet boy, I know where your sister Lyra is, I killed her"

Run as fast as you can go back to your hiding spot and wait for the alarm to go off at 0:19.. Once that happens you will hear the front door open and footsteps walking in, By then the game has just started. Toby is looking for you to kill you.

Wait in the hiding spot until you think he's near you but if he gets too close to your hiding spo, close your eyes, hug the clock tightly and run to a new hiding spot. DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES UNTIL YOUR SAFE. If you do open your eyes and cheat then he will throw the hatchet at you and kill you. 

Once your safe put the clock to your heart and listen to its ticks. When the clock hits 3:30 go to the front door and say... 

"I am sorry for disturbing you my fellow proxy Toby, but this was all a mistake, you should go now"

Run back to the hiding spot until you hear the door close then rub the operator symbol of your back and you will know if you won the game if there is a letter outside saying good job once you opened the front door. You can go home after that.

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