Write a letter to a creepypasta

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This is a great way to talk to any creepypasta of your choice without having to summon them.  It is easy enough and it isn't too much hard work. When  you write the letter and send it of to your desired creepypasta(s) it might take time for them to respond because they will only respond when they feel like it. You'll know when they respond because there will be letters around your room that wouldn't be there before which were left by the creepypastas.

You will need: 

Paper of your choice 

Incense of your choice 

calligraphy pen and ink 




On the piece of paper write

'Dear (Creepypasta(s) of your choice)'

'I would like to talk to you about (what you wanna talk about)

To end the letter write

'This is all i want to talk about, thank you for your time! By the powers of element, this will the line. To the creepypasta iv'e chosen, this is what I want to know!

After that's done rub or spray the incense of your choice on the letter and place it under your pillow, then lay down and go to sleep.

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