Jane The Killer Summoning

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What you'll need:

-Human Sacrifice or pigs blood and animal skull

-Second story house


-red Candle

Go to the second story of a two story house but bring a human sacrifice or pigs blood and animal skull.

Be sure all the lights are turned of in the house and lay the human sacrifice or skull  on the floor with the blood poured over it where the moonlight shines through the window.

Light a match and set the human sacrifice on fire or the skull and blood

Light a candle on fire with a different match. Put the candle under your face and say

"Jane The Killer, I mock my torture, Jane The Killer, May you come over"

You will hear behind you 

"How dare you mock my suffering"

If you turn around you'll be stabbed in the face if you turn around but if you don't turn around you'll be stabbed in the back.

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