2. Breaking the Rules

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Kyra's lips were the best taste in the world, especially after being deprived of them for the amount of time I had been.

"Babe, relax," she chuckled into my lips, causing a smile the tug lightly at the edges of my mouth due to the familiar sound. I gently gripped the back of her neck, holding her there for a moment before I pulled away.

"What? I missed you."

She rolled her eyes but leaned into my arms nonetheless. Her body heat was welcomed against the cool New York air. Her familiar scent was welcomed too. It was a familiar constant throughout this crazy, changing moment of my life.

"Don't mind us over here doing all the heavy lifting," Padre complained as he lifted another suitcase into the trunk of our car in the airport parking lot. Kyra had surprised me by being there waiting for me when I landed and I hadn't been able to keep myself off her since. She was the definition of perfect.

A blush stained her cheeks as she pulled herself from my arms. "Here, let me help, Mr. Williams," she offered as she approached to help. Kyra was one of the few people my fathers let shorten our last name since it was so long.

"Thanks, Kyra, but I sure wish my son would help."

I shrugged. "You literally have five people working on it."

"Six now," Kyra corrected as she put a bag in the trunk.

"I think I like you more than I like Addison right now," Papa said as a jab, causing me to roll my eyes with obvious faux-frustration before I picked up the last bag and put it in before I closed the trunk, causing Azzy to dramatically clap.

"Thank you for your chivalrous help," she deadpanned.

"You're welcome," I said with a sweet smile, causing Kyra to punch me. "Ow!"

"Stop being such a butt," she playfully chastised before she turned to my parents. "Would you mind if I took him for a bit?"

"I don't know if he's earned Kyra time," Padre said.

"Padre," I whined. "Per favore? Mi dispiace. Lo aggiusterò. Per favore (Please? I'm sorry. I'll fix it. Please)?"

My fathers looked at each other, silently communicating. After a few moments, Padre sighed and I had to keep my smile at bay. I'd cracked him. "Fine. But, you're going to clean up after dinner."

My face dropped. Every night we had a family meal that we made by scratch and by the time we were done, it would look like world war 3 and 4 happened at the same time. It was terrible.

"Dad-" I'd started but everyone was already in the car.

"Have fun kids. Remember to keep all the doors open and under no circumstances are you two allowed to do any special hugging-"

"Dad!" I said, quickly cutting him off out of embarrassment as Kyra's cheek's tinted pink. My siblings were cracking up in the backseat and I had to resist the urge to flip them off like I usually did when my parents and Kyra weren't around.

Papa chuckled. "Alright Noah, I think we've embarrassed him enough."

"Maybe next time he'll load in the suitcases," Padre said with a petty grin before he rolled up the window.

Sometimes I just wanted to-

Kyra chuckled. "You're family is hilarious," she said, turning in the direction of her car that was a few parking spaces away.

I scuffed. "You only think that because you don't have to deal with them every day."

"I would love to have your family over mine. Humor, food, you're still connected to your roots-" I opened her car door, causing her to give me a nod of thanks as she stepped in, "-not to mention that your siblings are adorable."

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