Chapter 12: Words

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I inhale the sweet scent of body wash as I pour some on my washcloth. Steam rises up from the shower stall as I begin to rub the cloth against my skin, foam dripping off and running down the drain. I scrub myself as best I can, knowing I should make this last.

It's odd, why Jody let me use this body wash, along with the other products she said I could use in getting ready for my date. I mean, I was of course planning on showering and putting on makeup and making myself look nice, but the stuff Jody has given me is the good stuff-like the really good stuff.

After Sigrid's people fled, we found a lot of their treasures left behind. Things like hair products, lotions, moisturizers, perfumes and colognes were just some of the stuff we found. Some people managed to take some things for themselves (like Sam with his cologne) before Jody got ahold of it. Even though we did find it in abundance, Jody created these things as a sort of prize. People who do exceptionally well at their jobs get to use one or two of the products once. Most of the time runners get this prize, but rarely do others complain since they know we're the ones that get them half the stuff needed for this place, and some of us don't come back.

But even though this mission was scary, I'm used to it, and we only got Jody her cables. Why she thought I deserve to use not one, but any and every product of my choosing is beyond me. She even said she'd style my hair and that Peter helped pick out my dress. I can't understand why everyone's being so nice to me today, but I have a date to focus on and I don't think it would be smart to question it.

After washing my body, I wash my hair, grimacing when I feel the sweat, muck and dirt sliding out of my hair when I rinse it out. The conditioner I use makes my hair soft. It's nice, having this, although I feel like I should have done something to actually deserve this. I know Jody needed those cables, and this gift is definitely going to make me feel and look better on my date, but it still doesn't feel completely right.

But Jody insisted, and I didn't want to appear ungrateful. I decide I'll ask her about the timing later, but for now I shave and then turn the water off. Everything is silent save for droplets of water falling from my hair to hit the tile floors below.

I breathe in deeply, the scent of sweat and dirt gone and replaced by something softer, sweeter, fresher. I wring out my hair, the sudden sound of water hitting the shower floor harsh to my ears. I grab a towel and dry myself off before wrapping the towel around myself and stepping out of the shower stall. There are clothes set out for me on the stool in the corner in the room, with a note on top of it.


Found this in Janine's closet. Since she's not here I don't think it matters if you use it. Plus Summer said she never saw Janine wear this in all the years she's been in Abel, so I don't think anyone would notice you wearing a borrowed dress.


I let out a small noise of curiosity as I pick up the dress. It's a dark blue, stopping just above the knees. The sleeves look like they go all the way down to my wrists, and it's somewhat of a low cut. Thankfully I don't have too much for this revealing dress to show in the first place.

With a shake of my head I head into the stall with my dress and the underclothes I brought myself. Once I slip the dress on I realize it's a rather tight fit. It's supposed to be this way-form fitting. I am used to clothes being a bit tight, what with running pants and all, but it's still a bit uncomfortable having a dress that feels more like a second skin than clothing. I step out of the changing stall to look at myself in the mirror. I stare for a long time, longer than I should, wondering if I should try to find a different outfit.

The soft sound of footsteps make me turn my attention towards the entrance. Jody walks in, Nicole only a few steps behind her. I don't miss the Jody's green eyes light up, or the half smile on Nicole's face.

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