Chapter 36: Under Pressure

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"Okay, okay. Runner Five, you're leading the team into that-mm, now how can I describe it?" Sam pauses, and I narrow my eyes at the hunk of metal that lies before us. "Uh, rusting hulk of an ocean-going science vessel in a dry dock with a bunch of other rusting hulks."

I don't say anything, instead focusing on the bits of sea moss and barnacles that cover the thing. I wonder if this has anything to do with what I dreamed last week. Coicindences don't exactly exist in my life.

"What is it you're supposed to say when you see a ship, Dr. Meyers?" Veronica asks. "Is it, 'Thar she blows'?"

"I think that's what when you see a whale or Moby Dick," Milo answers before she can. The dark haired girl hums.

"Oh. I know Moby Dick. You can't catch him. You'll die trying."

"Alright, alright, but no one's dying today, okay? Alright?" Sam says, his cheery tone forced. "There will be no portentous revelations. No one is going to say that they're Ahab and the cure is the whale."

Neither of us have completely come to terms with what happened to me. It's only been a week. I thought though, that after all the times I've come close to dying I could move on. This incidenct seemed to tip the scales. I'm still having nightmares, but not just about turning, about everything-the helicopter crash, being Van Ark's test subject, the mind control, being bitten. Sam's trying to get me to talk about them, but it's hard. I thought I was over all of this.

How can I tell him I'm going backwards instead of forwards when I know that will only upset him more?

"Roger that," Maxine says. "Veronica, if you identify with Captian Ahab, you are grounded."

Veronica shoots the tall woman a dark look, but then sighs as we continue on. "How much longer until we get onto the ship, Sam?"

"Well, the guards are doing their final sweep for this hour. Your window to get on board is in a minute."

"Um, I know I probably should have asked this beforehand, but what's so special about this specific ship?" Milo asks. He cringes as he looks at it. "Looks pretty worthless to me."

"The Minister used that ship to research Moonchild Syndrome," Veronica replies, and Milo frowns.

"How come I didn't know about it?"

"She didn't trust many people with this information. Ian made sure the Minister knew how much trouble you and your siblings caused, so she advised me not to tell you about it. It never became relevant until now." She turns to me, missing the hurt look on Milo's face. "Maybe we'll find some clues about how she triggered Moonchild in you, Five. Her research is more advanced than we thought."

Maxine glances away as we get into position, watching, waiting. "As in so many ways, the Minister was always one step ahead of us."

"Wait, so you got the results back on Five? So she's actually cured?" Sam asks hopefully. "It's real then? Not like one weird trick to cure your zombie infection?"

"Oh, it's real. I mean, Paula really wanted to do this mission because she's gotten nostalgic for... we are certain the Minister knows how to cure the zombie plague."

"You can say it," Veronica says bitterly. "She knows how to cure the zombie plague, and I don't."

"No one expected you to be able to do that," Milo says, and she glares at him.

"Everyone expected me to do that."

"Okay," Sam cuts in. "You're window's coming up. Be ready to run in seven, six, five..."

Veronica taps me on the shoulder, and I look at her with a raised brow. I don't like the intensity on her stare.

"I think you might be Captain Ahab, Runner Five."

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