Chapter 16: Unbreakable

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"So, I'm just going to go over this with you once more, just to make sure we have all our data correctly," Veronica says, and I nod, tired and annoyed and just wanting to get this over with.

"Okay. Go for it."

"You started hearing Moonchild in your head after the hypnotism experiment was conducted, approximately nine months after Moonchild's death."


"Unlike other Moonchild Syndrome suffers, the Moonchild in your head was not there immediately after you broke free from the mind control."

"Not like she is now, no."

Veronica nods as she scans her clipboard. I can only imagine what's on it. "Yes. And you told me that unlike other sufferers, you can see Moonchild as well as hear her?"

"Yes, she's slightly transparent but she's there most of the time. Sometimes I'll hear her voice in my head, but she seems to like making herself visible to me."

She hums as Milo scribbles something down on a piece of paper. "Yes, and you did say she seems to actually have her personality. She isn't just the amazing person you saw her as while under the mind control."

I snort. "Yeah, no. If I could punch a figment in my head in the face, I would."

Milo snickers at my comment, but Veronica seems unaffected. "Alright, just one more thing-"

My annoyed groan cuts her off. "Ronnie, I've answered all your questions, I've sat through all your blood tests, MRIs, CAT scans. What else do you need?"

She purses her lips at my whining. "I like to do more than one test to make sure my data is accurate as possible. Plus, with how many times you've been experimented on, I need to do even more tests because your mutations might effect the results."

I bristle at her comment. "I've been in these labs with you all day."

"We just want to make sure we have all the necessary information when we head to Manor House Center tomorrow," Milo interjects, and he blushes when Veronica sends him a grateful look.

"I understand that, but we don't have that much information to begin with. I've been living with Moonchild in my head for nearly a year and a half and it's not like she's told me anything."

"She probably wouldn't know," Veronica says. "You said she can access your memories, but it wouldn't make sense for her to have access to hers when she was alive. She probably knows just as much as you as to why she is there in your head."

I bite the inside of my cheek. That honestly does not make me feel any better.

"But we need to have as much data as possible to give to the people at the manor. If the rumors are true, then they have the technology we need to find out just what Moonchild is..."

"And how to get rid of her," I finish, swallowing thickly. It's weird to think of her not being there anymore... in my head. She's been there for what-a year and a half now? It's sort of like how I felt when I thought I could get my voice back. I couldn't speak for two and a half years, and suddenly there was a chance I would be able to. It felt unreal.

This feels unreal.

It feels like something that's not going to happen. It feels like something that shouldn't happen.

But I stay quiet. I mean, how would they react if they knew how I felt about this? They'd probably think I was losing it for real this time if I told them I might actually miss having Moonchild there.

I mean, she's been a real pain in the ass before-she's a real pain in the ass even now-but she's also helped me out of a lot of tough situations. I sometimes think I wouldn't be alive today without her.

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