Chapter 13: Runaway

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"Runner Five, are you receiving this?"

"Loud and clear, sweetheart," I reply, turning up the volume of my headset. I resist the urge to smile when I see Phineas's nose scrunches up, having read my lips and hearing the pet name I just said. Being as young as he is, it doesn't surprise me that he doesn't like hearing about romantic affection. Although, to be honest, he rarely seems to like any affection at all. Very few people can get near him without him becoming defensive. I suppose that could be because of all that he's gone through, along with the years he spent with his mother and father hiding in a house, constantly being told there would be people after him.

"Get to the gate right now then." Sam pauses for a short second. "Bloody hell, it feels like a long time since I said that, doesn't it? I don't know, what with one thing and another. We've been running so many missions, but I don't know if we've actually... raised the gates lately. I miss that."

"I miss it too," I say quietly, before standing. I don't have to give Phineas any explanation. He already knows what I have to do. I told him before I started helping him with his math that I may have to go on a mission today, which is why I'm in my running uniform, and why I'm wearing my rubber band instead of my actual engagement ring.

'I'll be back later,' I sign to him, and he nods, quickly going back to his studying without so much as a goodbye.

It hurts just like it always does, but I push the pain away and head out for the gates. I hear Paula speak to me over the headset, already waiting for me.

"Ready to go, Five?"

"Always am."

"It's a dangerous mission," Sam starts, and I roll my eyes. Every mission is a dangerous mission. "The woman who ran that listening post in Worthington-on-Sea is on the run."

"Oh, yes," Paula says, smiling when I reach her. "Amelia told us her name. Sweetpea? She has pink and purple bunches, and likes mid-80's synth rock? My kind of woman."

"I picked up a message from her via Roufflenet. Secret channel. She has a message about Sigrid's work on Moonchild Syndrome. We can't risk her being picked up by a Ministry-loyal territory."

I perk up at that. She knows something about Moodchild Syndrome?

Does that mean she can help me?

"I heard yesterday that Kingsnorth had gone Ministry," I say, my bottom lip worried between my teeth as Sam hums in reply.

"Yep. Sigrid's passing her serum out like horrible baby-derived candy bars, so uh, you'll be catching the next train running along our border with Radial. Your contact will meet you there."

Paula raises a brow, her face knowing. "The contact's Lobatse, isn't it?"

"We can neither confirm nor deny that."

Paula and I both gasp at the new voice. "Steve!"

"It's been forever since I've heard your voice," I laugh, quickly composing myself. "How's your eye?"

"Oh, well, it was nothing. And then the second and third times, it was also nothing."

I don't believe that for a second, but I don't say anything.

"You've got to make that train," Sam says. "But wait for it... Raise the gates!" He sighs when the alarms sound, and the gates go up. "Oh my God, that felt good! Covering fire! Five, Twenty-three, get to that train. Run!"

And we do. I wear a smile as we do, hope blooming in my chest at the thought of there being more information on me, and what I have. It's clear that Sigrid wants people with Moonchild Syndrome. She wants me. She knows I have it. She wants to test on me like she did with those people in the jailhouse, like she's probably done with Andy...

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