Chapter 32: Peacekeeper

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Sam's hand tightens in mine as the vehicle rumbles forward. Janine looks out one of the windows, her lips pressing into a thin line.

"The Laundry won't be able to take us much father than this."

"Oh, you do surprise me," Amelia says, making a face. "I did say I wasn't going to be coming along on this one, Janine. I was quite clear."

Sam rolls his eyes. "Look, Amelia, you won't knock your street cred or whatever by helping us with this one. I mean, it's hardly a fatal flaw, is it? 'Cares about babies'. Like, if you're attacked by someone who uses that against you, you probably shouldn't be trying to make them your friend, anyway."

"All weaknesses can be fatal, especially in an apocalypse." I remember having similar words ingrained into my mind as a Torrencer. As much as I hate to agree with Amelia, I have to when it comes to this. "And I don't see why I have to be the one to come along on a mission to Sigrid's private palace."

"We're all here for a reason, " Janine says. "Mr. Yao will run coms. I am ops. Runner Five is the runner. You, Ms. Spens, still have the retina-based login access to Mr. Valmont's security system, which means that if we find a very safe, quiet little room, you'll be able to log on to Sigrid's personal network and download the files we need on Project Angelica, Sigrid's code name for her repulsive baby-based serum factory. We go in, we get what we want, we get out."

"I don't see why you didn't just ask Brent, to be honest."

We all go silent, and I send Janine a worried glance. How did she know we've talked to Brent? We kept all information about meeting him secret. Amelia only knows that Janine is Pit Viper, which is more than a lot of Abel residents know.

"Uh, what?" Sam asks, his voice shaking from nerves. Amelia rolls her eyes.

"You managed to find Selma before seven teams of Ministry-supported bounty hunters. Either you got luckier than sin, which is not something that ever happens when it comes to you Abel folk, or you have access to A.N.N.I.E."

There's a beat of silence before Janine speaks.

"We know your relationship with Mr. Valmont ended badly. We did not want to distress you."

"It's not possible to distress me, except by foiling my plans or getting between me and a hot oil treatment. If you want to ally with Brent, that's your own lookout. But I want to make it utterly clear that if there's anything for me to gain by betraying you to Sigrid, I will."

She nods, unaffected by her words. "Understood. Dr. Maxted and the Laundry have told us Sigrid is hosting a banquet this evening to bring some new allies over to her side by giving them vials of her serum."

Sam nods. "The palace is actually an old Oxford college, but there'll just be a skeleton crew running it tonight because of the banquet. So we get in, we find out the location of Project Angelica, and presto! Babies!" He pauses. "Hmm, that sounds like I'm pulling babies out of a hat. That's weird."

Laughter bubbles from my lips, but it dies when the van pulls to a stop. I give Sam's hand a small squeeze as I try to prepare myself for this mission. It's just one dangerous mission in a long line of missions just like it.

"So, to reiterate," Amelia says, and I find myself already wishing we'd just talked to Valmont about this, "we have one reason to be here: to find the babies. No heroics, no side quests. I'm looking at you, Runner Five."

I blink. "Me?"

"Oh, don't act so surprised. I know you. Don't go dashing off thinking you can save the world, and getting me into trouble." She jabs a finger at me. "I will betray you to save myself. Got it?"

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