One-Shot (Nipollo)

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One quick thing. I'll write this but there is absolutely no way in hell I would write solangelo. I hate it with a burning passion. Sorry.
Nipollo was requested by @_TheSelfishMachine_ and @DemiWizardTribute300

Nico's POV

I woke up to find a small box wrapped neatly on my nightstand. It was in glimmering wrapping paper with a golden bow, completely opposite to my dark cabin. I picked up the little box curiously and opened it, not bothering to check if it was a trick or not. The bow came off easily and I took the paper off carefully, I had a strange urge not to rip it. Inside the little box was a golden necklace with a small golden apple hanging from it. Who would give me this? Out of curiosity I slip the necklace on. I didn't feel any different. Nothing really changed except for the slight weight around my neck. I smile, admiring the necklace. I go to change and get ready for the day. When I walk outside and go to the pavilion for breakfast, a few Aphrodite girls come up to me, eyeing the necklace.

"Who gave you that?" Piper asked, reaching for it but I pushes her hand away.

"I don't know.. It was on my nightstand when I woke up." I shrug.

"Can I hold it?"

"No." I say and go to get some food.

I was pretty confused for the rest of the day, curious about the necklace. I kept an eye out for any suspicious looks or anything out of the norm. Nothing. The day went on like it would any other day. When the sun started to set the necklace grew cooler. I shrugged it off and went to bed, wrapped in my silky sheets.

When I woke the necklace still hung from my neck, now warmer from last night and definitely warmer than it was yesterday. This time I got curious. I took it off and it immediately felt as cold as ice. When I put it back around my neck and it heated up to what it was a second ago. Strange. I started to change and once I felt the charm against my bare chest, it burnt, a lot. I yelled and yanked it off quickly, throwing it onto my bed. I ran into the bathroom to examine the burn but there was none. Now that was weird. I went to my bed and picked up the strange item. It felt warm still, yet not as hot.

"What the hell..." I whisper to no one in particular. 

I put it back on and go outside. I was training with Jason today. When we started fighting he won easily, I wasn't paying attention that much, more to the necklace. He trips me and his sword goes to my neck.

"Nico what's that?" He asks, reaching for the charm and when he touches it he yells, jerking his hand back. "The hell?!"

"What?" I ask, sitting up.

"It burns! Where did you get that?!" He says, holding his burnt finger.

I explain what has happened with it. He goes wide eyes and groans.

"Nico, is Leo flirting with you or something?"

"What?! No! I don't even like him that way!" I protest.

"You never know..."

I go silent. What if this whole thing was Leo? He wouldn't want to shut down his friend..

Later that night the necklace stayed warm instead of cooling like before. I got into my pj's and while I was changing my room got significantly brighter. I quickly turned, dropping my shirt and holding out my sword.

"Oh how your friend was wrong. I assure you I am not Leo." The light subsided and he laid on my bed.

"Apollo?" I question.

"Ah il mio fantasma rey (My ghost king)." He hums. "Say it again. It sounds much better when Zeus isn't screaming it at me."

"You gave me this?" I hold up the golden chain, ignoring is little burst of Italian.

"Of course. Only the best for you." He says, standing up.

I blush. "Its beautiful.." I say.

"Of course. But it'll never compare to you." He walks up to me.

"I uh... I'm flattered and all.."

"But..?" He asks, now standing right in front of me.

"Y-Your a god and I'm just... Just me..."

"And that's why I love you."

I feel my face heat up even more and he leans down to kiss me. I blink and he presses his lips to mine. It takes a while for my brain to register what was happening. I was filled with such warmth and bliss I couldn't comprehend what I was doing. I started kissing back to his satisfaction.

"Such a charming little doll you are." He whispers, pulling away. "I'll be back for you il mio fantasma rey."

I nod, still a little dazed and he laughs, disappearing in a flash. I sink to my knees.

"What..." I mumble.

The god of the sun... In love with me?


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