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Alright here's how its gonna go.

To enter either private message me or leave a comment to let me know

Its going to be a oneshot on any of the following ships
-Jeo (or Lason)
-I'll even take Frazel, Percabeth, Jiper, Caleo, or even *groan* solangelo if you really wanna write it
-Or any other PJO or HoO related ship

-Due date is December 1st
-Must be original (cannot come from your other one shot book if you have one)
-When finished, tell me
-Title it with your own title but make sure to add (SWLPJO contest 1)
-It can only be a oneshot (ONE PART)
-Let me know what ship it is
-It can be as long as you want

That's about it, if I missed any extra info I'll let you all know

I'm gonna take the top 3 (depending on how many people enter) and then they'll do another challenge if you guys want me to, if not then I'll figure out a suitable prize

That's about it for now

Let me know what you think!


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