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After the call Logan made, he smiled at the phone before he put it down and started completing some papers on his desk.

While he was signing that last paper his phone rang. He scribbled his name in his loopy script before placing his pen back on the desk, moving the paper to its pile and picking up the phone on it's third ring.

"Huntzberger." Logan asked shortly as he looked over his computer screen to see a picture

"Pick a new greeting, that's mine."

"Hello to you too dad." Logan smirked.

"I'll be on your side of the continent for a couple days and was wondering if we could grab lunch and talk."

"Okay, give me the day and location and I'll work something out. There's this steak house I've been dying try down in San Fran."

"Perfect! I've been dying for red meat in the past months. Your mother will not let up with the fish. Even dad is about ready to through the chef out along with her."

"How is mom?"

"Ah, same old same old. Day drinking, smoking, planning event, pissing off Emily Gilmore with reasons why she should be in the DAR and whatnot. How's Rory and my grandkids?"

"Well, Rory is back in Connecticut because her father needs her back for a meeting. No clue what is going on with that. The babies are developing well, but soon she won't be able to travel and I feel like in the back of my mind Chris wants to trap her in the East to have them there."

"He wouldn't do that, that is technically a form of kidnapping."

"Thanks for the assurance dad."

"I could be wrong, but it is a form holding someone against their will. How far along is she and when is the travel cut off?"

"She's about eight or nine weeks I think. Traveling is really exhausting for her with the twins. The cut off is about 28 to 36 weeks depending on the airline and her condition with an okay from the doctor."

"Okay that gives enough time... If she calls to tell you she has to extend her time a couple weeks or even a month, alert me and I'll drag her to the airport if I have to because your assumption may be correct."

"Thanks dad."

"I'd rather those kids be born there at your own home than where you have dozens of family and have to crash somewhere for however long before your kid is allowed to fly back home and both of you missing a lot of work."

Logan nodded then remembered his dad couldn't see him through the phone and responded, "Thank you. I'll let you know if you need to bring back here."

"Of course. Now I'll be in next week on Thursday and leave Saturday. I swear no one knows how to run a paper any more. I might have to do an employee flush and go through all the information and do some reports, maybe have interns do some undercover work at papers. See whose slacking, whose the weak link, whose improving, whose not, whose the strongest and switch up some places. Originally when you were going to take over I would have you do something similar or work with the numbers or advertising. You did have a choice in which division you started in. I just probably did not make that clear enough."

"I'm not coming back to the company dad."

"I know. You made that perfectly clear when you shattered my set of scotch glasses your mother got me for our fifteenth anniversary."

Logan winced, "Yeah sorry about that."

"Ah no worries. I didn't really like them anyway they seemed to have a weighted bottom, with my name engraved on them which was spelled wrong and the company realized that a little too late, so they included free shot glasses with HPG engraved on them. The shot glasses were used a lot more than the other ones."

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