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So, I usually write my feelings out in a different story each time but, this story about abuse kept coming to my mind all the time. I did not know what I was feeling so I wrote it in words. So the past two weeks, I've still been really liking this story and having a great interest in it. Well, I figured out why I was writing about abuse. I was friends with this one guy named Chris. He was really nice to me when he wanted to be. But when he got mad, he would take his anger out on me. It was not physical bc it's an online relationship. He would yell at me and cuss me out and he would say really hurtful things to me. A week ago, I told my counselor at school, she told me that he was abusing me emotionally. I thought that I could deal with it but the night of telling her earlier that day, he hurt me very badly. He was telling me sweet things and then two minutes later, he told me to starve myself bc of my weight issues. I'm a skinny plus sized girl tho. But then he was saying baby over and over again and I did not answer. When I did not answer after a few times, he got angry and he said it sternly. I asked him what did he want and he told me that I am his and that he owned me. Then the night before that, he told me that if I did not send him sexual photos, he would kill himself. Chris is almost 19 and I am 15. I cried to school that day as I told the counselor at school. She told me that she might have to tell someone about this. I described to her more about Chris(things that I don't want to share but it was awful). She told me that she had to tell the cops bc of how badly abusive he was to me. Long story kinda short, the cops have gone to his house and they are evaluating him. He was doing highly illegal stuff to me. I was eves dropping in on what the police and counselor were talking about and I heard the police say that the way Chris was treating me was awful and terrible. I started to cry when I heard that. I realized just how badly abusive and manipulative Chris really was. He has hurt me sooo much. So I'm sorry guys but I need a big break from this story. I don't want to think about Chris too much. It hurts me to see how he was saying he loved me and the next minutes how he was going to fuck me in great detail. I'm am soo thankful for everyone who has helped me but for now, I need a break. I wrote this book on how I was feeling and it turns out that I was being abused and it's amazing how I can write a book just based on a feeling that I had and I never knew why I was feeling abused until my counselor told me that Chris was abusing me. Please guy, give me a break. I'll come back after a while but I need a break. LOVE YOU ALL!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

PS: I'm not going to give you his insta so you can fight him. This is being felt with by professionals so don't worry.

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