Mother Knows Best: Part 2

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~ mildly mature language is used ~

How Spencer Reid ended up in this position, he didn't know.

He was in a stinky and cramped taxi, a little too close to (Y/N) for comfort, and rehearsing what he wanted to say to his mother when she asked if they were dating. Or if they were... doing the dirty.

Spencer wanted to barf just thinking about that.

He didn't know why, but Spencer was a little nervous for (Y/N) to see his mother. The possible combination of words that he could stammer out started to gather in his head.

Mom, this is my friend, (Y/N). You've met her before. She was the one that visited you because I asked her to -

No... too straightforward.

Hey, Mom, this is my good friend, (Y/N). You've met her before. No, we're not da -

Nope. Not that either.

Remember (Y/N)? She came to visit you when she was -


Spencer physically jumped at the sound of his last name. He looked up and almost forgot why (Y/N) was standing outside of the taxi because of how lost he was in thought. "W-What?"

"We're here," she uttered, pointing to his mother's nursing home.

"Oh," he muttered, shuffling out of the taxi and walking around to the driver's window. He took out a couple of dollar bills and told the driver to keep the change as he walked towards the nursing home, (Y/N) not far behind.

"Your mother was truly very sweet."

Spencer whirled around at the sound of (Y/N)'s voice and smiled. "Yeah, she's got a heart of gold."

The two walked into the nursing home together, filled out the paper work they had to, and went to go visit Spencer's mother.

Spencer's mind was back to reciting what he was going to say to his mother about (Y/N). She was probably gonna talk to them about how they should date, and Spencer knows that (Y/N) didn't like him like that, so it basically was super stressful for Spencer.

Soon, both caught sight of Mrs. Reid, reading a book alone. Spencer looked back to (Y/N) and smiled before walking over to his mom.

"Hey, Mom!" Spencer said, smiling.

His mom gasped and smiled. "Oh, Spencer! It's so great to see you! It feels like just yesterday that we were talking on the phone..."

Spencer laughed a little. "That's because it was just yesterday."

His mother looked at (Y/N), who smiled. "Hi, Diana! I'm (Y/N), we met a little while ago when I was in town."

Thank the Lord that (Y/N) initiated the greeting and Spencer didn't.

Diana studied her a little bit, looking her up and down before finally remembering who she was. "Ah, (Y/N)! How could one forget you?"

(Y/N) smiled at his mother and laughed a little. Spencer's heart skipped a beat when he heard her little giggle.

"So, (Y/N), have you told him?" Diana asked, a spark of curiosity in her voice and pointing to her son. Spencer's interest was suddenly piqued.

(Y/N) suddenly got red in the face. "Uh... what do you mean, Diana?"

"Have you told him that you love him?"

Spencer almost fell over when he heard that. (Y/N) loved him? The (Y/N) (L/N)? To save (Y/N) the trouble, Spencer started talking before she could.

"Uh, Mom, how about you tell us about your week? I'm sure (Y/N) and I would love to hear it."

(Y/N) nodded eagerly, seemingly grateful for Spencer's save.

~ time skip ~

The time that the three spent together in the nursing home was a fun time. Spencer found himself laughing quite a bit, and (Y/N) and Diana got along really well, although Spencer didn't expect any less.

One thing Spencer didn't forget, though, was what his mother had said when they first walked in. Those words echoed in his head over and over:

"Have you told him that you love him?"

Spencer had thought about that all day, and it bothered him a little. Did (Y/N) love him? Because if so, Spencer would have absolutely no problems telling her that he did, too.

The two found themselves staying at a small hotel that the team was staying at. (Y/N) and Spencer had their own separate rooms, but for now, they both were hanging out in Spencer's room, sitting next to each other on his bed, discussing whatever topic seemed to come across both of their minds. As of right now, the two were having a nice conversation about nursery rhymes and how children are so naive to the brutal message they deliver.

But Spencer was about to change the subject.

"When I was a kid, I would always sing 'Jack and Jill' all the time. Yesterday, I got a little curious, so I looked it up and apparently, it's about Jill having a miscarriage! For Heaven's sake, it's a -"


Said person looked up at Spencer, and his breath hitched in his throat. God, she was so attractive.

"What my mother said back at the nursing home... is it true?" asked Spencer, a little nervous to hear the answer. "Do you really love me?"

(Y/N) got all red in the face again. A moment of silence passed by the two of them before she murmured, "Yes. Yes, I do." Then, she looked up at Spencer and said, "What about you? Do you love me?"

Spencer didn't need to answer this question. Instead, he leaned forward and connected their lips in a sweet kiss, one that (Y/N) didn't deny.

At first, the kiss was sweet and loving, until something clicked on both of them. All of the sudden, this kiss went from a silent decree of love to a loud cry of passion and want. The two were getting messy with their tongues and were somewhat deprived of breath.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Spencer pulled away, gasping for air. He looked at (Y/N), whose beautiful (H/C) hair was a little messy from what just happened.

"You know, my mother did say that we should be together," Spencer mentioned, looking intently at (Y/N).

"Well, you know what they say," (Y/N) replied, smiling.

"What?" asked Spencer.

"Mother knows best!"

a/n: yeesh this was a long one. anyways, thank you all for reading this far. don't forget that i still take requests!! don't be afraid to submit a few, i'd love to hear your thoughts. thank you for reading!

Just Me and Spencer Reid ~ Spencer Reid OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant