Can't Keep a Secret: Part 2

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As you dart to the bathroom, you can hear the two pairs of footsteps following you. What's also kind of funny is you can distinguish whose footsteps they are.

Right on your trail is Reid. His footsteps are obviously quicker, and since he isn't that short, his strides are somewhat longer. Plus, he's continuously calling your name, trying to get you to stop.

The second pair of footsteps is farther behind, and those are Garcia's. You know this because she's not running, and she probably doesn't want to run in the bright pink heels she wore today.

"(Y/N)! Come on, won't you just listen to me?" Reid calls after you, but you quickly walk into the bathroom before he could say anything else.

You press your palms against the countertop and look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes are red from suppressing all of those tears, and they soon become puffier as you allow said tears to travel down your cheek. As they do, they leave small streaks before they drip onto the counter. You can't help but wonder how Garcia could let such an important thing slide. You told her not to tell Reid!

But, as you pondered why she possibly told Reid, you started to think that maybe this wasn't so terrible after all. Maybe this is what needed to happen in order for you two to finally become something more than just friends that smile a little too much and laugh a little too hard around each other, but that thought ended as quickly as it began. You knew that Spencer would never look at you that way. More tears began to fall as your hope dwindled away by the second.

After a few minutes, you hear voices echoing on the other side of the door.

"Spencer Reid, you cannot go into that bathroom and comfort her."

You can't help but chuckle upon hearing their useless banter.

"Are you really not going to let me go inside?"

"Spencer, it's the girl's restroom. No matter how much you love (Y/N) and how much you want to tell her it's gonna be okay, and maybe kiss her, I don't know-"

"Penelope, if she can hear us-"

"Oh my gosh. You're right. Forget about that. You still can't go into that bathroom. I will go in, and once I pull her out you can talk to her."

Spencer must've nodded in agreement or something, because that's when Garcia walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

"(Y/N), I am so sorry. I shouldn't have told Reid. You specifically said that I shouldn't tell Reid, and I completely disregarded that and I am terribly sorry. God, I feel terrible," Garcia rambles, pulling you into one of her tight and loving hugs.

You hug her back and try your best to stop the tears from trickling down your face. "It's okay," you respond.

"Now," she says, pulling out of the hug, "why exactly are you crying? Oh God, is it because of me?"

"No," you say, chuckling a little and standing in front of the mirror in order to fix yourself. "I'm just... I'm worried that Reid won't want to talk to me anymore after this all. We had a great friendship-"

"(Y/N), what you described to me last night was not a friendship."

Your eyebrows raise as you turn around to face Garcia. "What? What do you mean?"

Garcia playfully sighs and rolls her eyebrows, as if you didn't know what the hell she was talking about, which is what's happening now. "What you described to me last night was a relationship. Something that a boyfriend and girlfriend would do together. Something that two people that are in love with each other would do. Not just friends."

Your gaze averts down to the floor as you think about what Garcia is saying. She's kind of right. Normal friends don't act the way you and Reid do. People in a relationship do. Wiping the last bit of your tears, you nod.

Garcia smiles. "Now get out there, and tell him how you feel!"

You smile at your fellow agent as you walk out of the bathroom to find Spencer leaning on the wall opposite to the door. His hands are in his pant pockets and he's got a smile on his face.

"Reid-" you start, but you're cut off by Spencer grabbing you and pulling you close. That's when you realize what little space is left between you and Spencer. You can't help but take a quick glance at his lips before looking back up at his eyes. You open your mouth to say something but he placed a finger over your lips as he smiles.

"Kiss me, will you?" he asks as he removes his finger. Without hesitation, you press your lips to his immediately, savoring the lovely moment between you too. Your fingers become tangled in his hair as his hands place themselves on your waist.

You reluctantly pull away, not realizing how long you guys kissed for. You only realize this when you see that both you and Reid are out of breath. You laugh when you see this and give him a hug. He hugs you back and laughs.

You turn to Garcia, who has some happy tears stinging her eyes. "Well, t's a good thing I can't keep a secret, right?"

Both of you laugh as you nod towards Garcia and mouth a 'thank you.' As you turn back to Spencer, you whisper in his ear, "I love you."

Full of pure joy, Spencer lifts you up and spins you as you squeal a little. Placing both your feet back on the ground, he says, "I love you too, (Y/N)."

a/n: that's the end of can't keep a secret! i hope you guys liked it!
i have to thank @EvangelineWinter for this incredible request! i had so much fun writing it and i hope you all enjoyed reading it!
also, evangeline has a new criminal minds oneshot book that is full of requests, so please go and check that out! it's really worth your time.
sorry, i know i talk a lot, just one more thing. requests are still open, and i had an idea for a oneshot, but it's a bit steamy. don't worry, no smut, but it requires some kind of intense making out scenes and some unholy thoughts. i've written some mature things before, (like last night and falling down the stairs) but this one is a bit more mature compared to the others. would you all be okay with that? let me know in the comments!
alright, that's all from me today! stay healthy everyone!
- frenchie

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