Falling Down the Stairs: Part 1

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~ mature language is used ~

"Spencer William Reid, I cannot walk because of what you did to me last night!"

"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), you totally asked for it!"

Of course Spence is right. He's right about everything: even you wanting to have sex with him last night. Granted, it's not like Spence denied your request last night. In fact, he followed said request perfectly, so he must've wanted it too.


Walking into the kitchen is a gruesome task that comes with a lot of pain. You're more sore than ever after last night with Spencer. As you enter, you end up looking at your genius-lover with a smug look on your face. "I might've asked for it, but did that mean that you had to exceed expectations?"

Reid looks back at you with an even bigger smirk. "My performance is above average in many ways, my dear."

You can't help but laugh at that. Again, it's not like he's wrong at all. You walk up to him and kiss him sweetly. The kiss acts as the nice "good morning" that you didn't say to Spence. This kiss isn't anything special, just nice and sweet. You pull away and look at Reid lovingly. "We need to get ready for work."

Spencer looks at you with a baby face. "We can't just skip work and have sex again?" he whines.

"Unless you want me to be paralyzed from the waist down, then no."

~ time skip ~

Spencer immediately separates your previously intertwined hands as the elevator doors part. You and Spencer's relationship has been kept under wraps for the longest time, but the team has suspected things since day one of the secret relationship. Lord knows that they'll notice your limp, and knowing your own team, they'll make fun of you for it. Also knowing your own team, you know that Derek Morgan will be the first one to say something.

You and Spence walk into the office, laughing and talking about whatever came to mind. Your hunch proved to be correct, since Morgan walked right up to you two.

"Good morning, lovebirds," he says, holding two cups of coffee. "I got coffee for you guys."

You struggle to keep yourself standing straight. On top of that, it's another struggle to not show your pain, but you know that Morgan notices it.

"Woah, sweetness, are you okay? You look like you're... you're hurting," observes Morgan, with a coy smile. He gets an idea of what might've happened and looks to Reid, the biggest smirk ever on his lips. "Gosh, Reid, I didn't know that-"

"I fell down the stairs!" you exclaim, cutting Morgan off. Yes, you know that it's the most generic excuse ever, but what else can you do to save Spence from this? "I wasn't looking where I was going and tumbled right down my stairs. I was able to stand up and walk around, but I'm still hurting a little."

"A little?" Morgan jokes, an eyebrow raised. "I don't buy it."

If your looks could kill, Morgan would be dead. "Then what do you think happened?"

Morgan looks at you, a suspicious look on his face. He purses his lips before shaking his head. "Don't fall anymore, (L/N), okay?"

You nod before he walks away. Once Morgan disappears from sight, you look at Spencer's relief-ridden face. He leans down so his mouth his right by your ear and whispers, "I love you such an immense amount that words cannot explain it."

Your cheeks take on a bright pink color as you lock eyes with the insanely hot man standing on front of you. "I love you, too."

Spencer gives you his signature "I love you more" smile and sits down at his desk. You try to take a seat at your desk (which is across from his), but your burning pain makes it incredibly difficult to do so.

Of course, as you're trying to sit down properly, Emily Prentiss notices your struggle. She walks up to your desk, frowning slightly.

"Good morning, (L/N), Reid," she says, nodding and looking at you. "Hey, (L/N), are you okay? You seemed to be in pain as you sat down, and it worried me a little."

You shrug and smile at Prentiss. "I fell down the stairs."

That makes Prentiss raise her brows. "You? Fall down the stairs? Were you drunk, (L/N)?"

You chuckle a little and look over at Spence over your shoulder, who's staring dead at you. Quickly, you look back to Prentiss, smiling. "Something like that."

You could practically sense Reid's struggle to contain his laughter.

Prentiss nods. "Well, be careful. If you need to take a break or anything-"

"I'll let Hotch know," you finish, smiling at the woman. "Thanks for showing concern, Prentiss."

Said woman nods and walks off, probably going to do some important stuff. You don't know what Prentiss does half of the time.

You look at Spencer, who's still looking at you. After a full two seconds of staring at each other, you both double over in laughter. Keeping the whole 'you two had sex' secret quiet was going to be tough.

"Good morning, my loveliest darling from the heavens above, (Y/N) (L/N), and - woah."

The sight herself, Penelope Garcia, stands in front of you and Spence, a shocked expression geared towards Spence painted on her face.

"Wonder Boy number one-eight-seven... your hair is a mess and your neck is ridden with... um.."

Spencer looks dead at you, his eyes as wide as you've ever seen. He frantically pulls out his phone and checks himself in the front facing camera. After confirming what Garcia said, he slowly lowers his phone and clears his throat.

Upon watching these series of events, Garcia gasps dramatically and looks at you. "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)! And don't ask me how I know your middle name! How dare you-"

"First of all," Reid says, cutting off Garcia. "My hair is always messy in the morning. Today, I happened to wake up a little late and didn't manage to, uh, fix my hair. As for the marks on my neck, they aren't hickies, although they do appear to be. Hickies often go away sooner. These marks are actually bruises from me falling asleep while reading books while lying down. I'd drop the book and it would hit my neck, bruising it."

Garcia (and you) look at Spence in awe. Garcia just nods and looks away. "No wonder why I call you 'Wonder Boy number one-eight-seven,'" she stammers out as she turns on her heels and walks away.

You look at Reid, still in slight shock. You move your chair in closer and whisper, "I love you so much that I can't even wrap my own head around it all."

Spencer gets a little red in the face, breaking eye contact. Before he can say anything, you hear a stern voice.

"What did I just hear you say?"


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