Runaway: Part 1

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a/n: thanks again for a great idea, gia!!! love ya girlie 💕


Said boy looked up from his seat, his eyes travelling around the room to see who called his name. His boss, Hotch, was standing there, looking down at Spencer.

"You'll stay at the local PD and set up there," Hotch instructed. "Make sure you lay out all of the information and everything. This UnSub is going to be tough to find, so I'm gonna need all hands on deck from everyone."

Everyone profusely nodded and looked back down at their tablets which had the victim's face on it. (Y/N) (L/N) was recently reported missing along with four other girls that looked somewhat similar to her.

The team was on there way to Montgomery, Alabama to find an UnSub that abducted four young ladies, all around the same age. The UnSub, most likely a male, seemed to get even more aggressive, since a dead female showed up next to a dumpster.

Spencer was only sure of one thing: if Hotch needed all hands on deck, he was going to buckle down and figure this case out.

~ time skip ~

Walking into the local PD, Spencer waved to the officers and those typing furiously on their computers. The chief police showed him to a small conference room.

"We haven't had a case this bad in... in years!" he exclaimed, placing some extra files on the table in the middle of the room.

"Don't worry," Spencer answered. "We'll get everything figured out."

The officer walked out of the room as Spencer was left to set everything up. He eyed all of the reports and all of the pictures before taping them on one of the two boards they were provided with.

As Spencer finished taping the last picture of victims, the sound of doors bursting open rang throughout the department. Everyone's heads turned in the direction of the noise and saw a young girl that had cuts all over her face and arms. God only knows where else she was cut.

That was (Y/N) (L/N).

"He's after me!!" she screamed, her eyes filled with pure fear and agony. "There was an opening of time and I tried to bring the other girls with me, but... but..."

The girl collapsed to her knees, tears rushing down her cheeks. Acting on instinct, Spencer ran up to the girl, and kneeled down next to her.

"It's okay," he whispered. "Look, we're gonna transfer you to a hospital so we can get your cuts looked at. There's no need to panic, I promise."

(Y/N) looked up at Spencer, her eyes bright red. As Spencer examined her face, he noticed little grains of salt in every single one of her cuts. The UnSub poured salt in his victims' wounds.

As police walked the girl away from Spencer, he rose and pulled out his phone, quickly dialing Hotch's number.

"Reid, you're on speaker," Hotch's voice sounded from the other line.

"(Y/N) (L/N) just burst into the PD. She's got cuts all over her body, and they're taking her to the nearest hospital right now."

"Wait, what?" Morgan asked. "Are you telling me that (Y/N) (L/N), one of our victims, just walked into the PD?"

"Yes. Well... she didn't walk in, she kinda threw herself in," Reid described. "Anyway, I'd like to focus on her cuts. We didn't know that the UnSub cut his victims, so that'll be important, but, in every single one of (Y/N)'s cuts, there was little grains of salt. He's pouring salt in their wounds," Spencer said breathlessly.

There was a long pause on the phone before JJ's voice started talking. "If the UnSub salts his victims' wounds on top of drugging them with chloroform, this going to be a lot worse than we originally planned."

"Reid," Hotch instructed, "go to the hospital and talk to (Y/N). Maybe she can tell us something about our UnSub."

"Will do," Spencer said eagerly before hanging up.

~ time skip ~

"Dr. Spencer Reid, FBI. I'd like to speak with (Y/N) (L/N), if you don't mind."

The teller behind the hospital counter pointed to a room and smiled at Spencer as he briskly returned the smile and walked towards the mentioned room. Peering in, he saw (Y/N) lying on her bed, her eyes glancing in every which way.

Spencer would never admit this to anyone, but he found all of the victims, (Y/N) in particular, extremely attractive. Their (H/C) hair and the (E/C) eyes seemed gorgeous to Spencer.

But he would never admit that.

Slowly, Spencer walked into the room with his hands in his pockets, looking shyly into her glistening eyes.

"Hi there, (Y/N), I'm Dr. Spencer Reid with the FBI. Is it okay if I ask you a few questions?"

The girl nodded as Spencer sat down in a nearby chair.

"Great," he said, thinking for second before continuing. "Now, I want you to close your eyes and think about when that man abducted you. It was dark, but the television gave you enough light. Your house is cold, but you have a blanket so it's okay. How did you know he was in your house?"

(Y/N)'s breath starts to become jagged as she thinks back to everything. "I heard something. From the kitchen."

"What did you hear?" Reid asked, watching the girl intently.

"A bang. Almost like one of my pots that was on the island fell down. So I walk into the kitchen to see what it was, and..."


"It was my brother..." (Y/N) muttered, thinking about it in depth. "He was wearing his black ski mask, and when I asked him why, he... he..."

"What did he do to you, (Y/N)?" Spencer asked, leaning forward in his chair.

(Y/N)'s eyes open and look at Spencer, full of fear. "He held a cloth over my mouth. I tried to move it, but I couldn't. What it was, I-I don't know, but then, everything goes blank."

Spencer sat back in his chair, nodding towards the girl. "Thank you for that information," he said. "You can rest now."

Without wasting a second, Spencer walked out of the room and called Hotch.

"You're on speaker, and Garcia is on the line as well," replied Hotch.

"Garcia," Reid called, "Tell me if (Y/N) has any brothers. Because if she does, one of them is our UnSub."

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