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a/n: ahh! my first request on wattpad! without further ado, enjoy side tracked

Today was a wonderful day. Today was a day when the BAU had no cases. Of course, you had to go to work, but you liked going to work when there was nothing to do. It served as an excuse to hang out with the team, and let's just say that that was your favorite pastime.

But today, as Luke and Tara were telling everyone a story, you found yourself wrapped up in your second favorite pastime: poetry. Not only did poetry serve as a therapeutic release of all of the thoughts in your head, but it also helped you get into a mind of an UnSub. Luckily for you, today's poetry consisted of writing down your everliving feelings for Spencer Reid. But just in case he ever found this, you made sure not to mention his name at all.

Your feelings for the genius were complicated. It's no doubt that you liked him - you practically were in love with him. But you didn't want to ruin the relationship you two already have, just in case he didn't feel the same way. So, that's why no one on the team knows of your crush on the guy.


You immediately look up at the sound of your name, noticing your team beginning to walk away. Prentiss seems to be the one who called your name, being the one closest to you, although they were all a fair distance away.

"Did I miss something?" you reply, your eyes scanning the team.

"Yes. There's a small issue down the street. Some man just attempted to kill someone and the police want us to see if he could be linked to a few other murders. It's a quick thing since it isn't our case. We're going to walk over there, ask him a few questions, and then resume our day," she responds. "Do you have something else to do?"

"Uh, no!" you say. "I was just... writing something down. Nothing important."

"No, it's okay. Stay and finish." Prentiss looks at Reid. "Reid, stay here with (Y/N). Let her finish that." She gave Reid a location of where they'd be before the team walked out of the room.

That's when you resume your work, vigorously writing words down on a page with your pencil. You don't know why, but you just had to get these words on the paper. Plus, the sound of a pencil was kind of calming.

You're so enveloped in your writing that you fail to notice Reid walk behind you and examine you and your work. His eyes scan the paper, closely reading each word that you've written down.

Once you finish, you place the paper and the pencil down on your desk and whirl around in your chair, a little shocked to see Spencer staring at you. Although you could get lost forever in his brown eyes, sometimes, they intimidated you, and this was one of those times.

"Ready to go?" he asked you, a smile on his face.

"Y - Yeah," you respond, nodding. "Let's go."

The two of you exit the building and walk down the sidewalk, nervously looking around for the crime scene.

Spencer turns to try to start a small conversation with you, but you're no longer beside him. Instead, you're standing near a bush, examining flowers that you found on the side of the sidewalk.

"(Y/N)!" Reid shouted, following behind you. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, Spencer!" you say. "Look at these flowers, aren't they so pretty? Look, there's more!"

You run off to admire the other flowers, and of course, Spencer doesn't follow far behind, running after your curious self.

His eyebrows seemed to raise as you as you travelled deeper and deeper into the garden on the side of the road. Reid's running comes to a halt once he sees you examining a bright pink flower that seemed like it was pulled right from Hawaii.

"Oh, Spencer, aren't these gorgeous?" you ask him, smiling. You don't give him time to answer, however, because you run off to another part of this wondrous area: the creek.

Before you ask, yes, Reid ends up following you. He finds you kneeling on both knees, touching the crystal clear water with your hand.

"(Y/N), be careful-"

His advice doesn't prove useful, since you end up falling into the creek with a small shriek.

"Spencer!" you scold once your head peeks out of the water. "Why didn't you warn me?"

"Hey, I tried!" he called back, a small smile on his face. "You were the one who didn't listen to me! It's not my fault."

Your mouth went agape before you had a good idea. Drifting over to where the land met the water, you raised your hand, reaching for the genius.

"Can you pull me out?"

He reaches down to grab your arm, but before he starts pulling you, you pull his arm down, so he falls into the creek, too.

"Very funny," he says, once he's above water. He pushes his hair out of his face and proceeds to splash you. You fake a dramatic gasp and splash him back. Soon enough, like children, you both and splashing each other back and forth.

Both of you are out of breath, so you stop to catch it for a second. You don't really get much time to catch it, because Spencer pulls you closer and kisses you. You don't hesitate to kiss back, smiling a little.

You two stay kissing for a while until you hear and very familiar "Ahem."

Once the kiss is broken and you two look up, Rossi is standing there with Prentiss, Luke, and Tara. They're all giving you a smug look.

"You never showed up at the crime scene," Prentiss said, eyeing you two.

"Sorry, Emily," you start, "Reid and I..."

He smiles and looks up at the team. "We got sidetracked."

a/n: ahhhhhh i'm so sorry that this took so long to publish! i've been extremely busy and swamped with work, so writing unfortunately took a backseat. but thanks to this quarantine, i have plenty of time to write! again, thank you for reading and message me if you have any fun requests! bye ☀️

Just Me and Spencer Reid ~ Spencer Reid OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant