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Hello, you can skip this chapter if you want, it's mostly just info about how I'm going to set up this book. First off, comments, keep it clean please? That's all I ask. Second, I have many sources for all this information, and some of it comes from my own mind, seeing as I am an INFP. just a fair warning, your personality type does not define you, you are you, and that's awesome. However, I hope that you find a lot of the contents in this book relatable! The MBTI personality types are really fun to study, and I have a blast doing so. If you are not sure about your type, if you look up: "what personality type am I" it pulls up a ton of web sites, I recommend  or clover leaf has really reliable test results too. As I said before some of this applies to myself, so I'm not sure if all of it will totally be random or just me ranting. I will put a new quote at the top of each chapter as well, have fun!

-Ava Myers

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