More random stuff

945 48 96

INFP life goals
Live by the beach
Find my soulmate
Have a Job I am Passionate about
Make an Impact on the world
Help people and spread love
Eat healthy and exercise
Have a great wardrobe
Read often
Travel the world
Be genuinely happy and full of life

Small and a angry

Looks innocent

Is actually very kinky

Smart, but sometimes their emotions get the best of them

Never shut up once they get to know you

They have the funniest rants

Don't understand conversation limits

I didn't need to know that, INFP

Super creative, but spacey

Stand up for the little man

Believes even a jerk had redeeming qualities

Leading with introverted feeling can be exhausting and frustrating. My inner values may not align with what you think. I'm not necessarily out to save the world. Being in my head so much actually feels hugely selfish. Sometimes I really wish I weren't an INFP.

 Sometimes I really wish I weren't an INFP

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Strong philosophy of life

Will roast both you and myself

I Want to do theater, but I don't

Incredible at foreign languages (fun fact, due to our cognitive skills, It's easiest for an INFP to learn a new language )

Bubbly if you get close to me

Thank you everyone for 400+ reads!! It means so much to me ☺️☺️

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