Things INFPs say

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"Sorry!"- This could be a response to almost anything.

"How are you feeling?" And really genuinely caring.

"Oh! What a cute dog/little old man/spider!!"-Talking to nobody. A different form of this:"What a sweet lady/person/girl/boy! She's/he's so nice!"

"Well, I don't need eggs, I don't need this, I don't need that... Oh, but I need tea!"-Talking to self in grocery store, especially if store personnel are watching, because we just stand there staring at a loaf of bread for 15 min trying to make up our mind and we figure we now probably look suspicious to store workers so we have to act like we've got a plan.

"Well, that was stupid!" or "So dumbbbb!"-Talking to ourselves about a mistake we just made.


Literally having a conversation in the car as though someone is there to listen. " Oh my word, what a creepy guy!! He was just staring at me!"

Calling out every animal we see as they're driving down the road. "Cow!...Dog!!!...Caaaat!!!!" And talking to the animal 45 feet away while driving by at 70 mph. "So cute! What a good dog! Wearing a cute little sweater! What a good boy!!"

Says very little, if anything at all, when someone else is around unless they're close friends. Then they're probably babbling nonsense and joking around or talking about real things.

When we do talk in a group setting, we usually make random or embarrassing comments that leave us thinking something along the lines of... 'Wait...that doesn't sound good..'

Sometimes (I don't know if It's just me because I have horrible people skills on top of a bad memory) we will forget your name, even if we've known you for years...

Occasionally, we will say something that makes complete sense in our heads, but saying it out loud kinda messes it up.

Over explaining. Under explaining. Managing to do both at the same time. There is no in-between of the two. In the end, we end up confusing everyone.

Pretty much, we talk like normal people, just in an awkward sort of way...or in a super casual and funny way (but that's mostly reserved for friends or family)

We talk like normal people, just more mixed up a bit...

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