What is it like to be an INFP?

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In short: Oxymoron

For one day, or week, you're a social butterfly

The next day, or even the next full week you're a complete hermit, barley ever leaving you're room

You're a dreamer. You have a lot of ideas. Your head is bursting with them.

Chances of you actually doing any of them: 0.00001

And when you actually do one of them: Ooh! I've got another idea, imma do that one instead!

Result: a lot of unfinished projects

Or when you actually decide to do one of them: Wait! I haven't had breakfast yet. I should eat first - procrastination, it's the hardest temptation


Because you're a dreamer, you don't believe that life should all just be memories, because you can live in your head instead.

However, you also take the moto "Live your life!" Very seriously and religiously

You'd rather be labeled: crazy, weird, and extraordinary rather than: boring normal and ordinary.

In a game of truth or dare, saying no isn't an option (unless the dare is harmful to others, or you strongly believe otherwise)

Who said INFPs are tedious?

Can be known to be a bit self-righteous
We believe in a lot of things. We love principles

What's life without them?

I know I said we can be wild and strange, but we do what is based on our beliefs

We tend to stay away from things that lead us away from our principles.

Oh! But we don't judge! If people don't believe in what we believe in, that's fine! We understand :)

We're very empathetic

It's just so much easier to put ourselves in the shoes of others than to heavy down ourselves with guilt for judging others to quickly

An INFP without empathy is not an INFP. It's in our essence. It's like our superpower!

Emotions are a big part of our lives, and often lead us into trouble.

It's why people often call us oversensitive

But we'd rather stick with our emotions and empathy and be called sensitive than to lose them because we know it makes us who we are

And we know that in this world, empathy and emotions are less shown because we are always told to suppress them and be more logical, but we say, why not be both? That way we can understand people better!

And understanding people makes the world a better place! :)

We love people a lot

That's why we love to socialize

If you see us with a bright face, with a warm smile, and kind eyes, and an open hug- don't ever hesitate if it's faux

If we don't like you, you can sense it from a mile away.

But as I said, because we are huge empathetic people, anger comes off us so unnaturally. It's just so hard to stay mad at someone, I mean, what's the point?

It disrupts our inner peace, which is very important to us.

Which is also why we leave and value alone time, very very much.

So we love you! We just also need time away from you :)

Hey! Thank you for reading! It might take a little bit for my next chapter, but I will have one.

I hope you have a great day!!

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