Do you ever pt. 2

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Alrighty, no idea if I even titled this right, but I'm just going to continue...
(Skip this chapter if you want, it's just me ranting so..)

So I am obsessed with the MBTI types (obviously, if I didn't why would I write this?) and I am really really weird (again a given), so sometimes I type people/characters in movies/books , then look them up to see if I got the right type. Most of the time I don't.

Anyway, I find that most of my favorite characters are ENFP or ENFJ, which I don't find fair at all. I looked up the defining characteristics of an ENFP (the ones that I relate to 79% of the time) and they all sound like me when I'm with my friends.

ENFPs are known to be
1. Creative
2. Enthusiastic
3. Loud
Pretty much the only difference is that INFPs know that they are introverts, were as ENFPs are torn between being an extrovert or an introvert, because they are fascinated by people, but also value alone time.

What if I am an ENFP, and I'm writing a book on INFPs? That would not be good..

Ugh I'm overthinking this way to much......

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