Chapter 1 - I Wonder If He Still Remembers

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I trace my fingers along the words on my arm. The familiar letters I've had since my twelfth birthday--the letters that give me anxiety when I can't sleep at night.

You're Scared Of Me.

I don't know who will say them, or when, or under what circumstance. That's the main part that scares me.

It could be a threat or a question, but I have no way of knowing until they're said to me.

I sigh, looking up from my arm, and try to pay attention in class. However, instead of my eyes following the lesson, they scan the class. Any one of these people could match my mark, or none of them could be. The shame is, my crush is for sure not my soulmate. Call me dumb, but I have a crush on my English class TA, and my best friends older brother: Fitz Vacker. I probably shouldn't, for multiple reasons, but it's hard. He's easily one of the hottest guys at school, but his first words to me when I turned twelve were simply, "You're Biana's friend, Sophia, right?"

My name's Sophie.

The bell rings, jerking me out of my own headspace.

"Remember, class, no homework for today. Have a wonderful weekend!" Everyone cheers at Mr. T's announcement. That's why he's my favorite teacher.

I pack up my things, and run out of the classroom as fast as I can to meet Biana, Linh, and Marella, my three best friends. We had all decided to have a sleepover after school, and just have an epic day. It especially helps that Linh's a junior and drives to school instead of taking the bus like the rest of us.

I get to our meeting spot by the front first, so I pull out my phone and text the others

(Feisty Girl: Marella)
(Sparkle Queen: Biana)
(Group Mom: Linh)

where are you guys?

Feisty Girl
coming right now. had to stop in the bathroom

Sparkle Queen
fitz wanted to talk to me but i'll be there in like ten

Group Mom
Turn around

I turn around to see Linh sitting behind me, a grin on her face.

This girl is the absolute definition of perfect. Her black hair's glossy and straight, and it hangs to her waist. Silver tips the end of her hair, and she has bangs with the same black to silver fade effect. She has pale blue, almost gray, eyes, and naturally pink and glowing cheeks. She and her twin brother, Tam, remind me of K-Pop Super Stars, but they don't see it.

"Hi!" I say, hugging her.

"Hey. Are you ready for tonight?" she asks, whipping her keys out of her pocket. They clink together, and I smile back at her.

"You know it."

"Hey guys!" Marella calls from the building entrance. I turn around to wave at my friend.

While Linh is the perfect definition of unicorns and kittens in a person, Marella is like if a bear and a fire-breathing dragon had a baby. Her blond hair always has poofy beach waves, with some kind of braid in it, whether it's little one's sprinkled in, french braids, side braids, or half braids. If you name the braid, there's a very high chance Marella's had it in her hair before. Her bright blue eyes seem large compared to the rest of her, which is definitely on the petite side.

"Where's Biana?" Marella asks when she gets over to us, sitting beside me.

"She's probably still talking to Fitz," I say with a shrug. The other two nod, realizing that's the logical reason.

We sit there for another few minutes before Biana finally shows up.

"Sorry I'm late, girls. Fitz was telling me that he's having the boys over at our house tonight."

"You mean where we're having our epic sleepover?" Marella asks, folding her arms.

"Yeah." Biana bites her lip hesitantly.

"Whatever. It's fine. And who are 'the boys?'" I ask.

"The boys are his super close friends, Keefe and Dex. Dex was just added last year, which is why he went from the nerdy kid no one talked to to the third most popular boy in school. And everyone's heard of Keefe."

"Ah. Those people. Tam doesn't like them. I think he's just jealous that he's not a part of it." Linh smirks, and we continue our conversation as we walk to the car.

"I keep telling Fitz to be friends with Tam, but Keefe won't let him. Weird, huh? Also, I call shotgun."

We file into the car, and I feel butterflies in my stomach. The fact that I'm going to be around Keefe scares me.

I wonder if he still remembers...

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