Chapter 20 - Part Two

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Keefe and I walk down to the beach, and I'm delighted to see that it's not crowded. That's kind of strange, though, because it's a beautiful day, and a Saturday, no less.

When we get down to the sand I kick my shoes off, holding them in my hand as I run over the sand. When I look over my shoulder, I see that Keefe is following me. I drop my shoes on the sand, along with my phone, and sprint straight into the ocean.

The water's kind of cold, but not too bad, and I spin in a circle.

"Come on, Keefe! The water's not even that cold!" Keefe drops his stuff next to mine before he runs in. He recoils at the waves.

"You lied! It's freezing!" I can't help but laugh at him as I run further in. The waves roll over my knees, getting close to my shorts, but I don't care. When Keefe stays near the shore, I get an idea. Something that will for sure get him to come out with me.

"You hear that?" I ask, cupping a hand to my ear.

"Hear what?" he responds, obvious confusion painted on his face.

"Buck, buck, buck, BU-CALK!" I yell, flapping my arms around like a chicken.

"Are you calling me, Keefe Sencen, a chicken?" he asks, placing a hand over his heart as he pulls a face.

"I call it as it is," I tell him.

"You little-" His sentence cuts off as he runs into the water. His hands connect with my waist, and he lifts me into the air, spinning me around. I shriek as he does, feeling a little embarrassed. I choose not to care, though, because I'm spending time with Keefe after years. 

I forgot how much I missed his company.

Keefe drops me back down just as a wave rolls past, so my entire lower half gets drenched.

"Keefe Sencen!" I shout, looking down, before glaring at him. "I'm soaked!"

"Not entirely." he shrugs. I glare again before smacking water at him. He jerks away, but I still got him good. I start to laugh, but he splashes water right back at me.

A huge waves starts to form, so Keefe and I both duck under. We come up completely wet, and a huge smile forms on my face.

We spend about an hour in the water before I finally decide I should head home. We stomp out of the water, and the hairs on my arm rise at the sudden gusts of wind.

"Should I call someone to take me home?" Keefe asks on the way back to my house. The question surprises me. I don't know why, but it didn't register with me that he has to go home eventually. 

I'm about to say yes, when I change my mind.

"Or you could hang at my place for a little? I don't think Grady will strangle you too hard." He starts to laugh at my half joke half seriousness.

"I'm sorry, what?" Keefe glances at me, slightly concerned.

"Keefe, I'm just kidding! But maybe apologize before coming in too far to the house." I giggle at the appalled look on his face.

"Should I be concerned?"

"Only a little. Last one to my house is a rotten egg!" I yell before running away.

I sure hope that me joking about Grady is only a joke.

A/N: bam the last chapter from Sophie's POV. would you guys be interested in more chapters  like this? obviously not the entire story, but certain chapters(aka when i cant write for the life of me and want to get something out)

answer here: would you ever want to see this type of chapter layout again, or no?

love you guys x

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