Chapter 3 - The Hurt I'd Felt

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"Where to first?" Marella asks from besides me.

"I don't know about you guys, but I could go for Starbucks right now."

"Yeah except for the fact that I'm completely broke," I laugh, and Marella nudges my shoulder in agreement. 

"Guys. You're acting like I'm a mean friend. We all know I have enough to pay for you guys, and you know I will. Now, tell me your orders. It'll make it easier when we get there."

"Laugh and call me basic, but I just get a Pink Drink. Oh, and Bi, you're officially my favorite sophomore ever," Linh says taking a sharp turn that I'm pretty sure was illegal.

"Ouch," Marella grabs her chest, pretending to be wounded, "I think I need an Iced Coffee to heal my broken heart."

"Noted, Drama Queen. Anything for you, Sophie?" Biana glances at me in the rear-view mirror with an eyebrow raised.

"I don't want to make you buy me coffee. It's not like I need it," I bite my lip and glance out the window.

"Soph, it's fine. I wouldn't offer if I couldn't afford it. I promise." Biana offers me a smile, and I return it.

"If you're sure, I'll get the same thing as Linh."

"Ayyy, basic buddies!" Linh turns around to wink at me.

We make it to Starbucks, and get our drinks. Part of me desperately wants to pay Biana back, but I know she would never take it. As Linh pulls out of the drive through, my arm starts to burn, right where my Soulmate Words are.

"None of you guys have met your Soulmate yet, right?" I ask, rubbing my arm to ease the pain. 

"No, why?" Everyone responds.

"I don't know. Mine just started to hurt. Is that normal?"

"I don't know. My parents never told me anything about the whole Soulmate Mark thing." Biana shrugs like it's no big deal.

"I don't know anything either, Soph. My parents weren't soulmates. I'm a 'disgrace.' And my Dad's dead, and Mom hasn't gone out since I was born. I think she's scared of getting hurt," Marella says like it's no big deal, but I can hear the hurt under her voice.

"I didn't know that. I'm sorry, Marella," Linh says.

"Don't apologize. It's not my fault my mom got too attached to a guy she knew wasn't meant for her. Now, let's lighten the mood! I think we need a snack run."

"Agreed," I say, "Target anyone?" I get cheers from that, and Linh takes us to the Target parking lot. I fumble with my seatbelt, so everyone else is walking towards the store when I just get out. I'm about to run towards them, when I bump straight into someone. I look up, and I'm shocked at who I see.

"Dex?" I ask. He's grown so much just since the summer, and he looks like a completely different person.

We used to be eye level in middle school, but now I have to look up to see his face. His floppy strawberry-blonde hair's now styled, so it doesn't hang flat on his forehead. His periwinkle eyes glint with a new found confidence, and his overall demeanor seems happier.

"Oh my gosh, Sophie?" His eyes are wide, like he can't quite believe it's me.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm spending the night at Fitz's, and we decided to do a snack run."

"Huh. Same with my friends. Who's we?" Dex gestures to the other two guys standing at the car, and my heart rises, then plummets immediately.

One of the boys is Fitz, my old crush, who I'm trying to let go of. It's hard though, when his dark hair is so perfectly styled like that, and his eyes so blue and...wait. Trying to drop the crush.

That was the part that made my heart soar. The part that made my heart plummet is who was standing next to him.

Keefe Sencen.

He's only gotten better with time. His messy blonde hair has gotten more disheveled, probably from his Father giving up on making him fix it. His ice blue eyes hold my stare, and they hold as much fear as I think mine show. It brings my mind back to the hurt I'd felt that day.
Sophie had been sitting at her and Keefe's usual table, waiting for him. He was late, and while Keefe Sencen was many things, late was not one of them. She was starting to get worried, when Keefe finally showed up.

"Hey, Sophie, can I talk to you?" Keefe asked. Sophie furrowed her eyebrows, feeling confused when Keefe referred to her by her first name. She didn't say anything though.

"What's up, Keefe?" she asked, motioning for him to sit next to her. Keefe shifted awkwardly instead, and stayed standing.

"I don't think we should hang out anymore. What if we're not each other's soulmates, and we fall for each other. That just wouldn't be fair, wouldn't it? So, I'm going to start hanging out with Fitz. You should be friends with Marella and Dex. They're really nice. They'll accept you. Don't worry."

Sophie felt her jaw drop. She couldn't believe her ears. She prayed that Keefe was kidding. She started to stand up, her voice a plea,

"Keefe," Sophie tried as he stepped away.

"I'm sorry, Sophie. It's the only logical thing." Keefe walked away before Sophie could even get a word in. That was the last time they'd ever spoke.

Sophie sat there, staring at her lunch, tears forming in her eyes. Her head was rocking back and forth, a perpetual 'no' motion.

She'd hated him ever since.
I plaster a fake smile on my face, and turn back to Dex. "Well, it's great seeing you, and I'm sure we'll bump into each other again, but I should probably go catch up with my friends." I give a small little nod of acknowledgement to Fitz, and run away before Keefe can say or do anything towards me.

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